The Barrett Blog

I Had to Make an Executive Decision 😉

Ellen Barrett Quick Core Fusion

Classic Cardio was the plan, but I had to scrap that plan as I was not proud of the workout. Sorry to disappoint you all – I’ve lost sleep over this, and usually with editing, videos are fix-able. I feel that this one is not. Perhaps, we’ll re-shoot it with different music and in a different set in the future because the “bones” of the workout are solid, but at this time it’s just not the right energy for (As...

The Unsung Hero of Movement

Ellen Barrett Blog

Moving on land is a three step deal – first we ground, then we center, then we lift.We get so good at moving that often, these three steps go unnoticed or happen mili-seconds apart, seemingly simultaneously. However, grounding always comes first and lifting is always the result. Grounding is foundational. Lifting is the end game. So what’s in the middle? Your core!  Core strength is so darn valuable. Your core is working every time you stand up or sit up or walk or...

Peptalk for 2022

It’s time to set the tone for 2022. First, you can do it. You are incredibly capable and the possibilities are endless. Second, you have everything you need to achieve your dreams. You are enough already, as is. Three, good things come to those who keep their eye on the prize and persist. Keep going and know you are on your way.  This applies to fitness and wellness, as well as to life at large. Tune out...

Basking in Empowered Wellness

Ellen Barrett "Let's Move!"

I keep hearing people use age as an excuse for lack of mobility, lack of physical fitness, or pain in their bodiy, saying things like, “I’m too old to sit cross-legged on the floor,” or  “Running is out of the question at my age,” or “Everyone in their 50’s has a bad back.”  My message today is don’t blame age. That’s not to say challenges don’t come with age – it’s just that age is unchangeable. Age is what it is...

Wow. Wow. Wow.

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Radiant Health? It is not even a thought of most doctors. I feel like the bar is set really low for us. Just “getting by” health-wise or weight-wise is touted as a success.  My dream for you is not fitness or weight loss. It is radiant health. Radiant health is feeling great and having the energy to function optimally. A 12 hour day on your feet? No problem. Life throws a curve ball? You adjust accordingly and thrive.  There is another part of radiant health...

Essential Verses Non-essential

The Barrett Blog

Back in the day, daily exercise was intended for the body – purely for physical fitness. Today, daily exercise, while it is still (obviously) for the body, it is also equally for the mind, for mental fitness. Show me a truly mentally sound person and I guarantee they exercise. It might be formal or informal, but they move their body someway, somehow. Maybe it’s walking around the neighborhood, or maybe it’s a session with a $100/hour trainer. Maybe...

You’re Grounded

December is a huge month in my household. For one, my husband, son and dog all have birthdays in December. Secondly, as it is year end, there’s a big work and school-related “wrap things up” energy, And then, on top of it, the holiday hoopla is in full effect. Many of us don’t enjoy this time of year because the sense of pressure we feel clouds the festivity. After traveling for Thanksgiving, and then jumping...

The Fitness Fix

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Fitness is all the time.  It may, at first, seem like it’s just that hour or so you spend working out each day, but at closer examination, you’ll see that everything is part of your fitness routine. From the quality of your sleep to the hours you sit at your desk – even the people you surround yourself with – it’s all part of your fitness routine.  I have a client that flies all over the...

How to Thrive at Thanksgiving

Ellen Barrett

In the United States, it’s Thanksgiving week. It can be a challenging week on many levels, but it is especially challenging for those of us wanting to stay on a healthy living path. Be sure to spend some time today setting an intention for yourself. For me, it’s to stay grounded and move my body everyday.We tend to get way off-routine this time of year, and sometimes that “off-routine energy” continues until New Year’s. You can...

Staying Well Right Now

Season’s change. Right now, in Connecticut, it’s beginning to feel like winter. While every time of year has its greatness, this time of year, late November specifically, has always been hard for me. I already miss the barefoot ease of summer, and winter is not fully in effect. It’s colder and darker, and nature is still in route. We ‘ve left the shores of summer, but haven’t “landed” in winter, and I think that’s why I can...