The Barrett Blog

How to Be Intrinsically Motivated to Move Your Body

Ellen Barrett

Do you get ornery when you don’t move enough? I do! Yet, there is a belief that the opposite is true – that we get ornery because we have to workout, or that exercise is “such a drag” or it’s an annoying “chore” the doctor said we have to do. That’s not my experience at all and I simply cannot relate! I’m programed to get moving, somehow, some way, every day. There is an intrinsic motivation, where exercise will be a part of my...

“Lazy Workout” Is an Oxymoron

Ellen Barrett

Here are the top five things that make a workout effective: It promotes better blood circulation.It helps to regulate the nervous system.It builds better muscular symmetry. It fine tunes skeletal alignment. It fortifies the body/mind connection. Every single one of these things can be achieved in a challenging workout or in a gentle one. Recently, I heard someone refer to a Pilates class as a lazy workout. He said, “You just lie on your back, thinking and breathing!” I got a kick out of his...

My Beef With Mental Health Experts

Ellen Barrett This is 53

Did you know that stretching is good for your mental health? It’s true, and it’s probably why so many of us crave Pilates and yoga workouts these days. When you stretch, your body’s parasympathetic nervous system activates. This in turn decreases blood pressure, promotes feelings of relaxation and eases mental anguish. I used to think, “What’s so great about serenity?” That was when I had very little responsibility and was very ignorant to the evils of the world! Now I...

Mindset Matters

For many people, myself included, this is the roughest time of year. I struggle with the cold weather and the lack of sunlight. I also feel more sensitive to even the slightest irritations. I’m someone who wants to eat meals outside, watch the sunset, garden, sunbathe, walk barefoot in the grass, etc, and those things are not easy to do in January in Connecticut. However, here I am, wearing three layers and still shivering, and still I’m not...


By the time New Year’s Eve rolls around, I have celebration fatigue. The gauntlet from Thanksgiving, to December birthdays, to Solstice, to Christmas and then to NYE is a really big one for me. In fact, today is January 1st, New Year’s Day, and I’m admittedly out of whack, socially and emotionally very tired, and I crave routine. Routine is a very underrated part of wellness success. It’s what leads to consistency and since we become...

You Are (Meta)Physical ✨

New Video Class, Now Streaming…just in time for Solstice!Full disclosure, this video might BOMB.  It’s a big risk…but I keep reminding myself that authenticity is vital and Yoga for Manifestation comes from my quirky true self and, “Hey, life’s a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Yoga for Manifestation can be done three ways:1. as a 20minute gentle yoga class2. as an exercise in merging the metaphysical with the physical3. as both…a yoga class that layers in the metaphysical YOU CHOOSE (but I hope you...

The Only Way to Win, Ladies…🥷

I’m often asked about my take on aging now that I’m in my fifties, and I think the biggest thing is that I am very un-naive now. I’m well-versed in the ways of the world, and because of this, I don’t get thrown off my game as easily anymore, and I have a solid handle on what nourishes the human body and spirit (mine included).  Getting older? It’s empowering and I highly recommend it!  However, every time I turn on my...

My Longevity Secret

Most of my fit pro colleagues have retired. Almost everyone I started teaching with in the fitness world is long gone from teaching and training people. Some of them are still in the industry, but have acquired more behind-the-scenes/ corporation administrative jobs.  The way I see it, there are three main reasons for this: 1. they make more money doing other things and that’s a priority. 2. they don’t want such a physical job anymore and found another passion. 3. Their...

December is Lit

We made it to December…wow, the final 31 days of 2024 are upon us! And rather than trying to be superhuman this (demanding) month, how about locking in a superpower instead? Yes, I’m talking about the superpower that is embodiment. For years, I spent this window of time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s out of body and I paid the price. I’d be frazzled, and overeat, under-sleep, and race through the gauntlet of holiday obligations in flight or...

Adjust Accordingly

You know what I wore to workout today? A men’s v-neck sweater. Instead of my usual water bottle, I brought along a travel mug of piping hot chamomile ginger tea. And my post-workout ritual lately, with the wintery weather, is applying pomegranate oil to rehydrate my face. I’m embracing a hyggie vibe right now, and it’s really helping me keep my movement routine on track. Hyggie or not, what I really want to hammer home is – season’s change, adjust accordingly....