The Barrett Blog

Cultivating Workout Enthusiasm

Cultivating Workout Enthusiasm With Ellen Barrett

“Let’s go!” “Let’s eat!” “Let’s do it!” Let’s Move! Yes, let’s! There is a sense of enthusiasm in phrases like these. It’s precisely that sense of enthusiasm I want to convey in classes and on my website because it makes it way easier to get to your workout, and enjoy it. Workout enthusiasm is a mindset anyone can possess. Here’s how to cultivate it:  1. First off – remember it’s a privilege to have a human body, no matter what condition it is in. You’re alive...

Hip Tips

Hip Tips With Ellen Barrett

It’s tight hips season! Well, at least it is for me and most of the people I work with. It’s like the tension from winter has moved out of our shoulders and is now lodged in our hips. Tension makes us vulnerable. It drains our energy, doesn’t feel good, and often makes us more susceptible to injury. So what’s a girl to do?  First off, give yourself a bit more warm-up time. For example, if you’re heading out...

There’s a New Workout (and it’s an Extravaganza!)

Five-Star Fusion With Ellen Barrett

Five-Star Fusion is a smorgasbord. It’s not a restaurant review (as my husband thought it sounded like 😂), but it’s just as delicious. Yes, movement when it keeps us in an invigorated state – and doesn’t cross the line into irritation – can be downright delicious.  I love taking classes and I do try new workouts whenever I get the chance. My favorite types of classes to teach and to take run the gamut, but they...

You Know What’s Youthful?

Ellen Barrett "Youthful Movement"

When our society discusses the idea of “youthfulness” it focuses on  wrinkle-free skin or “being able to eat anything I want without gaining weight.” Something that gets overlooked (and something we truly have a lot of control over) is youthful movement. What does that look like? Well, I’ve boiled it down to two things: it’s “capable” coupled with “ease.” Youthful movement equates to a big comfort zone.  Can you sit on the floor and play with puppies? Can you run...

Ever Since 2020…

Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

It always goes back to empowered wellness. Movement – which I think is a life-changing component – is still just one component. There are a myriad of components, big and small, obvious and not-so-obvious, from getting proper sunlight, to having solid relationships, to making sure nutrition levels are strong. So many things can contribute to a healthy life – the list really does go on and on.  Since 2020,  I’ve become a bit of a “plant lady” and...


Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

I was recalling to my son how high school spring tennis was like for me, way back in the late eighties in New York State. First off, my teammates and I played with so many layers on. We could hardly move. Second, we often shoveled off the courts. Snow in March and April was/is very normal. Third, while other sports like baseball and softball had use of the indoor gymnasiums, my little team and I...

Your Workout’s Job

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

If you take note of how you typically move during an average day, not including your workout, you’ll find it to be mostly done in the sagittal plane. Walking is in the sagittal plane. Sitting down and up from a chair is in the sagittal plane. The action of riding a bike is in the sagittal plane. The spine does tend to engage in more movement variety, like twisting (transverse plane) and side bending (frontal...

Did You Get The Message?

Ellen Barrett

It was a very cold Saturday morning and I rushed off to teach my 9am class. I arrived early enough to set up the classroom and (luckily) still had about 10minutes to spare, so I went ahead and sat in this particular studio’s sauna (they actually have two!). Barefoot and wearing my yoga clothes, I luxuriated in the warmth. My fingers and toes thawed out, my cheeks got rosy and my shoulders softened. I then went on to have a great class....

Get Ambitious About Relaxation

Shavasana with Ellen Barrett

At the end of most yoga classes, there’s a designated few minutes of relaxation we call “shavasana,” where student lie on their backs and just rest. In Sanskrit, shavasana translates as “corpse pose” and is meant to be completely passive. Some yogi’s say it’s the hardest yoga pose of all for uswesterners, as passivity is not cherished in our culture and we tend to champion “yang energy” and action much much more. I don’t think it’s the...

Independence & Integrity

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Around 2013, there was a company called Trainerpass that reached out to me. They were creating an online fitness streaming site and wanted to license my older workout videos and also wanted me to create new workout videos for them. There was a signing bonus, and a 50page contract, and I had to lawyer up. The parent company was CBS interactive, which is a huge corporation. During their sales pitch to me they mentioned a Super Bowl advertisement. In 2013, streaming was...