FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions



Free Trial

When subscribing to ellenbarrett.com, you will receive a free 7-day period where you can cancel at any time without any costs.  After the 7-day free trial period has concluded, regular subscription rates will apply. Please note: we do not offer refunds, nor do we transfer subscriptions to third parties.

Canceling or Re-subscribing

Our “Let’s Move!” streaming site is user-operated. You’re in charge! You may cancel and reactivate your subscription at any time. You can do so in your My Account section under Subscriptions.


You can change your payment type at any time in your My Account section.  In this account area, you can also change your billing address if necessary. We are adding a new workout each month! We are also adding video fit tips and/or interviews each month, so pretty much every two weeks something new is uploaded onto to ellenbarrett.com.

* Also note, our actual business name is Buff Girl Fitness LLC (which Ellen established long ago ✨).


We add a new workout each month. We also add a video fit tip and/or interview each month, so pretty much every two weeks something new and exclusive is uploaded to the site. 

Video Playback Issues

Frequent Buffering or Freezes During Playback

Frequent buffering can occur when the viewer’s internet bandwidth does not support playback of the selected video quality. Try switching to “Auto” in the quality menu (the default), if available. If “auto” is not available, switch to one of the lower quality options by selecting the gear icon on the player.

Dropped Frames During Playback

Dropped frames can occur if your machine/device’s processing is unable to keep up with the video data that’s being transferred.  If your system cannot process higher quality of video, frames of video may be skipped, which can cause audio to become out of sync as well. This tends to happen most when multiple programs are running while viewing a video. Try closing unused applications or browser tabs and/or update your browser and graphics card.

Still Having Trouble?

We use Vimeo as our video hosting and streaming platform.  You can try other troubleshooting options on their help center.

Workouts on Your TV

If you want to view Ellen’s workouts on your TV, you can either use a streaming device attached to your TV or use your phone or table to cast the video to TV. If your streaming device has a web browser, you can use it to go to view the videos. If you would like to cast the video to your TV, you can use the options below.


You will need an Airplay compatible TV or streaming device such as Apple TV. Look for the Airplay icon Airplay icon, click it to select an Airplay compatible device.

For more help, please follow the directions at this link (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204289) to use Airplay to stream video to your TV. If you do not see the Airplay button, you can also mirror the video using the directions at that link.


You will need a Chromecast compatible device or TV to cast the workouts to your TV. Look for the Chromecast icon Chromecast icon, click it to select an Chromecast compatible device.

For more help, please follow the directions at this link (https://support.google.com/androidtv/answer/9397760?hl=en) to use Chromecast to stream video to your TV.

Thanks for visiting our FAQ page 🤗