New Workout: Fusion Kick With Phoenix
Every form of martial art, whether it’s karate of jujitsu, integrates. It integrates the muscles of the body, and it integrates body and mind. I’ve always admired martial artistry and it’s, without a doubt, mindful movement, but with a fighting spirit thrown into the mix.
Fusion Kick is this month’s new workout, now streaming on Let’s Move! I’ve wanted to offer a 30minute, modern, non-hyper tae bo-type class for a long time, and Phoenix is seriously the most perfect instructor for the job. She’s gifted at making us feel capable, connected, and strong.
Aside from the integration I mentioned above, Fusion Kick offers:
1. Big ranges of motion where muscles get repeatedly extended
2. A “mothership” core, where every movement is initiated in the core
3. A big breathing emphasis, so we stay energized and calm even in the midst of cardio challenge.
Be sure to check out Phoenix’s class this week. (I just looked, it’s been over a year since we’ve had a guest instructor!) And if you’d like to learn a little more about Phoenix, be sure to watch another new video, Five Question With….Phoenix Carnevale, which is under “interviews” on Let’s Move!