The Barrett Blog


Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

I have a love/hate relationship with winter. I love sweaters and snowy sunsets, and I do think there’s something about fully experiencing all four seasons that’s good for the soul,  but anyone that spends five minutes with me this time of year will know seeking warmth becomes my full-time job.  Oh, I struggle so hard!  But I’ve been on this planet for a while and I know myself and what I have to do. I...

A Lion’s Breath

Barrett Blog

Here we are, on the precipice of 2023.  This tends to be the time of year for simultaneously looking back and looking ahead, and I do think it’s healthy to have some sort of closing ritual and bid 2022 adieu. I’ll watch the sunset on January 31st and wave it goodbye. “Thanks for the memories! That’s a wrap!” And before looking ahead and focusing on our 2023 goals and aspirations, let’s pause and take a moment...

Go on the Offensive

I really do pay attention to things and I am a bit worried about the state of health in the US. There is a lot of chronic conditions and chronic pain, and so many people, women especially, go from doctor to doctor seeking help to no avail. From what I’ve gathered, the ones that tend to break out of the never ending doctor visit-to-doctor visit cycle, go on the offensive by doing these three things:  ...

Go Big, Dream Big

Ellen Barrett Go Big, Dream Big

Have you noticed people looking down and keeping their arms tucked in tightly to their sides? Think of rainy day posture…eyes focused on the ground, small steps, contracted body language. There’s nothing wrong with this physical alignment in certain situations (like when you’re walking in the rain!), however, when it becomes your default mode, it’s a problem. To this I say, reach up and look up.  Go on and physically extend your arms overhead and physically turn your gaze to the space above...

The Mindset Behind the Movement

There is a new fit tip now streaming on Let’s Move! called “The Seven Foundations of Fusion Fitness.” I thought a little fusion  “crash course” would be helpful, and maybe even motivating.  First off, I love debunking the “no pain, no gain” notion. It has caused so much harm by turning so many people away from the powerful medicine that is movement.  Secondly, all movement can be fusion fitness – a jumping jack, a sprint, a burpee  – it’s the mind behind the movement that makes...

New Workout: Focused Flow

Ellen Barrett's Focused Flow

I definitely think there are more distracted people today then 10years ago, and what I mean by distracted is people who are aren’t totally “there” when they are there, you know? Attention is pulled outward and often in multiple directions. The cellphone is a culprit, but it’s more than that. Our whole society is rushing and busy, and the way we are “hit” with info has shortened our attention span. From a yoga perspective, it comes down...

Wellness is a Journey

Ellen Barrett "Wellness is a Journey"

Fitness is a self-help tool for authentic wellness. The goal is wellness. Or another way of looking at it is, the destination is wellness. And you and I are never not on a journey towards wellness. We never get to the top of the wellness mountain and stick a flag in it and say, “Done!” If you’re breathing, you’re journeying!  Remember when Oprah showcased her dramatic weight loss on her talkshow? She even wheeled out...

Open Up

Open Up

Strength is major. Cardio endurance is major. But you know what is often an unsung hero when it comes to longevity? Mobility. Joints that go big. Movements that flow. Freedom in every physical action. These types of things are hard to measure, and they might not be obvious at first glance, but when you experience a high level of mobility first hand, in your own body, it’s one of the best confidence boosters. You feel capable,...

The Secret

Energy begets energy. What gives you energy? We often think our “fuel” is food, and that is true of course, but in a more esoteric sense, breathe, sleep, water, certain people and events, and the right kind of movement all give us energy. They all give back.  All movement is not created equal. I mentioned “the right kind of movement” not just “movement” because some movement depletes us. Some movement takes away. What’s the difference? It’ll vary...

The Energy of Right Now

The energy of right now

I went on my usual sunrise dog walk this am and I slowed it down a bit and meandered, really taking in the energy of right now. The leaves have almost completely left the trees. The farmers have harvested their last crop of hay. I hear the geese on the move overhead.  My favorite purple and yellow wildflowers are no longer sprinkled into the landscape. It smells like November. These observations don’t make me happy...