The Barrett Blog

Drink Your Drink. Live Your Life. Step Into Your Truth.

Ellen Barrett LET'S MOVE!

I felt inspired to share a story with you all… I was at a cocktail party a few days ago and was drinking a glass of water. (The bartender very kindly put in a lime slice for some pizazz!) Almost everyone I mingled with at this party, gave me some grief about drinking just water. “Live a little, Ellen.”“Are you sure you don’t want something stronger?”“A glass of wine won’t kill you.”  I haven’t seen...

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

In the US, we’re heading into Memorial Day weekend, which is sort of like a kickoff to summer. It is always “hit or miss” weather-wise. I remember sunbathing by the pool in 80 degrees this time of year, and I also remember torrential rains for four days straight. You just never know.  Memorial Day weather in Connecticut is a metaphor for life. You never know what’s in store. Things don’t always go as planned.   An often overlooked “skill” is to not get thrown off too easily....

Your Immune System on Exercise


There is significant scientific evidence that suggests exercise done right increases immunity.  (Emphasis on “done right” meaning not too intense, yet not too mild. For me, 30-45minutes where my breathing gets slightly challenged and I break a sweat, is ideal.) I have no doubt that exercise has helped strengthen my own immune system, and the immune systems of my family members and clients. Also, ask any doctor, this is common knowledge in the medical world and believed...

Where Are Your Shoulders?

ELLEN BARRETT Mindful Movement

Stop what you are doing right now and look at your posture and notice…where are your shoulders? Chances are, if you are reading this while sitting at your desk or while looking at your phone, your shoulders are rounded forward. [Insert crying emoji😢] When shoulders are rounded forward, the neck and chest muscles are always “on” which ultimately tires us out and causes muscular strain. When shoulders are rounded forward, the airway to and from...

I’m going full divine feminine! Would you like to join me?

Happy Mother's Day From ELLEN BARRETT Mindful Movement

About a year ago,  I read that “busy-ness is trauma response.” I felt that statement. My whole adult life, I’ve been busy. When I had a lull in things to doit would stun me. It induced a moment of shock in a way, like, “Wait, what’s next?”  To make matters worse, I’d magnify the busy-ness. When someone asked me how I was doing, I’d respond, “So busy.”  For all women on Mother’s Day – even if...

Weight Releasing Action Steps

Empowered Wellness with Ellen Barrett

I am a people watcher. Airports, at the beach, at coffee shops, on the NYC subway….I people watch, hard. Yesterday, I was sitting in my car, waiting for the red light to turn green, watching folks traverse a cross walk in Saint Augustine, Florida. It was a looonnnnng light. I noticed three things: 1. While being overweight is very different from being obese, both situations create labored movement. Joints are over burdened. Body temp elevates too fast. Breathing...

Just Move It

If you’ve followed my instagram story lately, you might have noticed I have a new puppy. Bridget is a 4month old black Labrador. While puppies are a ton of work (and cause a bit of chaos in your home), it’s been a total delight “raising” Ms.Bridget.  All caretakers of children and puppies know 1. you learn by doing and 2. you gotta start somewhere! When a toddler started walking, they first stand up, then balance without holding onto anything, then they take step, then two.  It’s...

Not Just Stretch…Standing Stretch 💫

Standing Stretch With Ellen Barrett

A new release called Standing Stretch on Let’s Move has arrived, and it’s short and sweet, ultra grounding, a bit flow-y, and subtly choreographed. By standing up, the act of stretching has an innate balance challenge, which enhances core engagement and muscular integration. What does this mean? It means the stretch will be less passive and more dynamic. The transformation happens with stretch. Cardio is crucial as is strength training, and everything needs everything else, but the stretch is when the energetics change for the...


Here in North America, it is spring and one of the biggest symbols of spring is the tulip. The tulip pushes through the soil and rises its vibrant green stem straight up towards the sun, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, these pastel petals confidently bloom. When I come across that first tulip emerging from the ground after a long cold winter, I am wow-ed. Something in me gets a charge. Energetically, I feel in sync with that tulip, and it reminds me – yup,...

What You Don’t Even Know You Need

It’s no secret that the workout world loves emphasizing strength training and cardio, but like an isosceles triangle, there is a third component to fitness that should take equal billing – flexibility training.    I believe there is a place for all types of stretching but I’m the biggest fan of dynamic stretching, which is when the body extends while there is muscular energy, often in a repetitive sequence. If you dissect that last sentence:  muscular energy = strengthrepetitive sequence = cardio So...