The Barrett Blog

Two Simultaneous Epidemics

Ellen Barrett Blog Post

Your body craves balance – balance in every possible way – but one example of balance I harp on incessantly is the one between the front body and back body. (Lucky for us, it’s one that mindful movement can fix easily too.) Most of our days are spent in forward flexion, i.e., sitting, slouching, rounded.  This is the posture of sitting, driving, texting, eating and cooking, and if we sleep in the fetal position, sleeping too. Too much...

Leveling Up

Ellen Barrett Blog

Spring has sprung here in Connecticut, USA, and all of nature seems to be telling us to level up. The birds are fluttering about, the daffodils have broken ground, and Rey and I spied a big black bear, awake and on the move on Good Friday! Leveling up means pursuing things. It’s action. It’s gusto. It’s rising to a higher vibration. It’s advancing. My son, for example, is in sixth grade, but he will soon be...

“…Always In Command Of Yourself.”

You may have heard of this man, Yogananada. He wrote a very famous book called “Autobiography of a Yogi” which transcended the yoga world and made its way onto bookshelves everywhere. The book showcased his journey on becoming an internationally renowned guru. (Some points of the book are hard to believe!) I’ve read Yogananda’s book over and over again and have many highlighted sections. When I’m feeling out of sorts, I pull out “Autobiography of...

Covid Weight Release

Covid Weight Release

This week’s news cycle reported that most Americans gained weight in 2020/2021. I am not shocked at this report. It was very predictable considering our government closed down gyms, yoga studios, public parks and beaches, playgrounds and sports fields. Our government told us to stay indoors, and stay away from each other. I noticed among my friends and family that kids quadrupled their screen time, adults doubled their alcohol consumption, and people of all ages...

Is 15 Minutes Enough? 🤔

“How long should my workout be? Is 15 minutes enough? How about 30minutes?” I get asked questions like these all of the time and I used to be very adamant about workout length being at least 30minutes. I though a 10 or 15minute workout accomplished nothing and real fitness meant putting in the time. I’m happy to report, I’ve evolved!  I think 15minutes can be enough – and it can be the perfect amount of time too –...

The How of Holy Flow

Comfortable. Breathing easy. In no rush. Relaxed shoulders. Tension-free face and neck. Whether standing or seated, this is the body language of being present. It has become something I look for in myself and others before starting class. Also known as being grounded and feeling settled, being present to me is a warmup before a warmup. It’s like “get your mind and body in one place and then you get to move.”  Why does this matter?...

Mobility 101

Mobility 101 Ellen Barrett

Limited mobility is pretty common these days. The way I see it is, it’s a symptom of modern living. It’s very easy in our society to be too comfortable, too sedentary, and have too many conveniences. Those long drive-thru lines make me cringe. We go from plush sofa to a cushy bed to the driver’s seat of a car day after day. Mobility isn’t tapped into in typical life.  The good news is the human...

Free, Fast-Acting Healthcare

Ellen Barrett Blog Post

Inhale for 4 seconds ➡️ hold for 4 seconds ➡️ exhale for 4 seconds ➡️ hold for 4 seconds ➡️ repeat  Feeling untethered? Try this breathing pattern for one minute (or more). I call it the 4×4 breath, and it’s a mini-miracle, creating a solid sense of mental stability, however long it lasts. Mental stability is when an individual can cope with the normal stresses of life, and as one of the teenagers I work with weekly said after doing this breathing exercise, “Mental...

“Please, Enjoy Your Workout”

Ellen Barrett "Please, Enjoy Your Workout"

Words have a strong effect, whether we are conscious of their power or not.  “I hope you enjoy your workout” is a tagline I’ve casually used over the years, and I never put much thought into it until recently. “Enjoy” is in joy, so to enjoy your workout connotes working out in a sort of self-created vortex of joy. Is this too woo woo, or should I continue? ???? Cooking in joy changes the food, and I think exercising...

Combining Workouts

Ellen Barrett Combining Workouts

Combining two or more of our Mindful Movement video workouts is a FANTASTIC idea. I’m all for it! If you have the time, energy and drive, you can’t go wrong with any combination. Here are five workout combos I’m really into right now: Affirmative Flow/Power Express – 30minutesGet grounded, centered and empowered and then grab those weights and hustle through a quick sculpt session. In 30minutes, you can set a high vibe, can-do tone for your day. BalletSculpt with...

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