Leveling Up

Spring has sprung here in Connecticut, USA, and all of nature seems to be telling us to level up. The birds are fluttering about, the daffodils have broken ground, and Rey and I spied a big black bear, awake and on the move on Good Friday! Leveling up means pursuing things. It’s action. It’s gusto. It’s rising to a higher vibration. It’s advancing. My son, for example, is in sixth grade, but he will soon be leveling up to seventh.

It’s very easy to want to level up, but how do we actually do it? Well, when it comes to fitness, the answer lies in these four notions:

  1. More Time – less time lounging, more time moving. Exercise every day if you can. Add workouts to your calendar. Double up if that feels right for you. 
  2. More Effort – turn up the brawn and push yourself a little. More intensity in your workouts, cleaner foods in your diet.
  3. More Focus – laser in on what you want to accomplish and keep your eye on the prize. 
  4. More Dedication – make exercise and nutrition top priority. Say no to things that pull you away from next level wellness.

The “quiet” of winter has transitioned to the “doing” of spring – go with it! Allow yourself to step into the energy of nature. Now’s the time to level up.