Free, Fast-Acting Healthcare

Inhale for 4 seconds ➡️ hold for 4 seconds ➡️ exhale for 4 seconds ➡️ hold for 4 seconds ➡️ repeat

 Feeling untethered? Try this breathing pattern for one minute (or more). I call it the 4×4 breath, and it’s a mini-miracle, creating a solid sense of mental stability, however long it lasts. Mental stability is when an individual can cope with the normal stresses of life, and as one of the teenagers I work with weekly said after doing this breathing exercise, “Mental stability is hot.” 

The “monkey mind” is a term that gets used in yoga and meditation practices and it refers to a sort of self-induced ADD, where one struggles with focus, jumps from thought to thought, and isn’t fully present in the task at hand. “Monkey mind” is usually accompanied by a tight, shallow, uneven, fairly quick, breath. I realized that the 4×4 breathing technique helps me rid myself of the “monkey mind” and intentionally creates mental stability, on the spot. After one minute of 4×4, it actually feels like I’ve attained a sort of superpower. I become more productive and enjoy life more. I often do things better, from working out better, to reading better, and even watching TV better.

It is surprising at first to see how this 4×4 breathing technique can benefit you and enhance your whole life, so is it too good to be true

Well, it’s not too good to be true. Give yourself a week, and do the 4×4 breath for one minute before each meal. The way I see it is…it’s free, fast-acting healthcare. You’ve got nothing to lose by trying, and it could turn you into a super-powered human. 