Movement & Mindset With Ellen Barrett Severna Park, MD August 23, 2024 5 -8pm

Movement & Mindset – Severna Park, Maryland

Workout with Ellen and learn how to thrive in this three-part, three-hour live and in-person workshop spotlighting the two greatest self-help tools of all time, your body and your mind.  The first hour is a feel-good fusion flow workout, barefoot, low-impact and for all fitness levels. The second hour is a seated discussion with demonstrations of powerful mental strategies that direct focus and build resilience. The third and final hour finishes strong with a lovely...

Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Excuse the Excuses

There will always be a legitimate excuse NOT to workout. Here are the one’s I’ve heard just this week:  “It’s too hot outside.”“I slept horribly last night.” “We lost power during yesterday’s storm & it still hasn’t returned.”“Traffic was bumper-to-bumper.”“I forgot my water bottle.”  Sure, they’re all legit. Each one is a perfectly good reason to not workout. However, most excuses are self-sabotage, and you and I need to be mentally on guard and see them as such. Nine times...

Ellen Barrett Front Body Extension

Let the sun shine in

I often refer to the front body as the sun and the back body as the moon. By waking up the front body you let the sun shine in and it does three immediate things: To my northern hemisphere folks, Summer Solstice Blessings to you. How about celebrating with front body extension? One caveat – it’s gotta be whole front body extension, not just your heart center. That means stretching the tops of your ankles, your quadriceps, hip flexors, and...

Nothing to Be Nervous About

I’ve been on a big “nervous system kick” lately and one of the biggest enemies to a happy, healthy and regulated nervous system is a workout that is too intense.  What is too intense? That’s the million dollar question and the answer is: everything and nothing! It’ll be different for each and every one of us, AND it’ll be different from one day to the next.  Movement is movement. The way in which we approach movement is what makes or breaks it....

Thanks Winter, Now Scram!

“We made it through another winter.” I’ve been saying that a lot – more than I have in years passed. It wasn’t a particularly “tough” winter. We didn’t have any crazy storms or too many school cancelations. I’d actually say, as far as winters go, it was uneventful. Yet, this year, I feel like I had to dig deep to survive it.  I survived the lack of sun.  I survived needing extra time to put...

Ellen Barrett

Type-A Personality? This one’s for you!

There’s a lot of talk these days about the nervous system and for good reason. We live in a hectic world and our nervous systems are constantly put to the test.  I think many of us “soldier on” day after day and never care for our nervous systems. Why is this? For one, because our society indirectly rewards the “type-A go-go-go” personality, making a jacked up nervous system seem like a positive thing. And two,...


Remember when fitness studios had classes called High-Impact Aerobics and Low-Impact Aerobics? Also, did you know there was (and is) NIA which stands for Non-Impact Aerobics? I’m bringing the topic of impact up today because “impact” doesn’t get mentioned much anymore. I guess it’s a bit overlooked, but mostly, what has happened I think, is impact level is now getting clumped in under the intensity level umbrella. The problem with this is 99percent of the time, is it assumed that high impact is higher intensity. But is it? ...

You’re Nuanced

There’s what I call “the fire tower trail” in the next town over that I’ve been very much into lately. I park my car and hike a steady incline that’s in a wooded area, for about 10minutes. I then arrive at this tall metal structure that consists of 10 sets of 12 steep stairs, circling up and up. When I get to the top, there’s a panorama view and I can see for miles and...

Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Three Years of Grey Hair (Here’s What I’ve Realized)

I still get a lot of attention for having grey hair. Pretty much every single day, a woman comes up to me when I’m out and about to tell me, “Oh, I love your hair…wish I was brave enough to do that.”  Well, we all know why it is considered “brave” to not dye one’s hair when it’s grey and you’re female. Because grey hair tells the world, “I’m aging.” There’s an unwritten rule that says we...

The Secret to Staying on the Workout Wagon

I wake up early.  I love hot beverages and have an aversion to air conditioning. I’m obsessed with dogs and trees. In fact, as a child, I drew the same thing over and over again – a dog walking through a landscape of tall green trees!  I bring this up as a reminder for you to work with what you are. You have built-in preferences, inclinations and personality traits, many of which are non-negotiable. For me, going to a 5am workout is nice, but...