Be Strong, Go Long

What if I told you there is something you could do every day, that brings increased mobility, energy, and youthfulness…it’s free and easy, requires zero equipment, and could take as little as 10 seconds? Well, that something is elongate your glorious spine! I know,  I know…this might seem too good to be true, and you may assume I’m greatly exaggerating its effectiveness, but seriously, have you elongated your spine today?  Sitting, at a desk or in a car...

The Three Beliefs of the Very Well

I just spent an afternoon with human resource directors from some of the biggest companies in the world. I listened in on parts of their conversation concerning their employees. The primary conundrum that each of these HR directors faced was how can they keep employees healthy and strong, and thus productive? Many of their employees work long hours and when their workday ends, family responsibilities begin. Basically, everyone’s busy and exhausted, so how does anyone...

All Knees Are Not Created Equal

There are two major differences between the male and female knee: 1. the female’s ligaments are softer and thinner, and 2.  a female’s femur bone connects at the knee at a more pronounced slant. There are other physiological differences too, from lower bone density to higher percentage of body fat, but the two I mention above makes the female knee especially vulnerable to excessive high-impact activity and to reactive/sudden pivot-action, a.k.a., masculine training.  Over the years, I...

Health. Care.

It was a big “aha” moment when I realized movement is actual medicine. When we twist and bend our spines during exercise, we energize our core organs. Yes, our kidneys, liver, and spleen, to name a few, get space to circulate and a fresh batch of blood flow, helping them function more optionally.  We’re trained to see medicine as some sort of substance that comes from a doctor’s order, a pill or sophisticated medical treatment we need our insurance...

Workout Colors?

The deeper into winter I go the more black I wear. It’s a habit from way way back. This year, I’m attempting to kick this habit to the curb and wear splashes of color as much as possible. On Friday, I wore a cheerful yellow cropped sweater, and I honestly felt happier, and everywhere I went people said, “Oh, great sweater,” but I think what they really meant was, “Oh, it’s so nice to see a...

Zoom Out

Way back in 2000, I was living in Los Angeles and driving all over the city for work. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time in my car. My car was littered with coffee cups, takeout containers and granola bar wrappers. I think I consumed 80percent of my meals in that Jeep Cherokee! For my resolution that year, I averred: I’m not going to eat in the car. I was disgusted with myself and I thought this...

Do the Work or Step into the flow?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, do the work is fine to say, but I prefer step into the flow. There are no shortcuts to empowered wellness, so by all means, do the work, but when you re-frame all the necessary effort as alignment, there’s an ease and a grace underlying our action steps. Wellness becomes more easily sustainable and less dogmatic. We really should all be asking ourselves, “How do I step into the flow?” Tune in  ✔️Set “the” goal (feeling good) ✔️Take charge ✔️123….that’s...

FengShui For Your Force Field

Energy Reset is 15minutes of breath and flow that induces a sort of reiki effect, or like Feng Shui for your force field. Creating it and releasing in on December 21st was completely intentional. (Solstice Blessing to one and all, BTW.) For the longest time, I’ve wanted to create something like this, something that’s simple and is all about vibe –Energy Reset is it. This teeny workout is all standing, completely low-impact, moderately paced and is not about...

Compassion Not Comparison

There’s a quote/affirmation that is thrown around a lot in the self-help world and it goes something like, “There’s no competition because no one else is me.” I remember hearing it long ago and liking its concept, but moving on from it without much thought. Lately however, I’ve revisited this notion, and think it’s a super valuable mindset, mainly because it’ll help prevent any sort of self-esteem weakening comparisons.   Another quote/affirmation that I’ve honed in on recently is, “Happiness...

The Most Powerful Tool For Healing Lies Within

Before there is movement, there is breath. Breath is primordial. It’s the beginning. It can stand alone or it can partner up with exercise. You are always breathing, but how are you breathing? That’s the million dollar question. Show me how you’re breathing, and I’ll tell you who you are.There are fancy, in-depth breathing seminars led by prestigious breathing instructors today. There are books on breathing and breathing gizmos available for purchase. People are getting hip to the fact that breathing quality is important...