Workout Colors?
The deeper into winter I go the more black I wear. It’s a habit from way way back. This year, I’m attempting to kick this habit to the curb and wear splashes of color as much as possible. On Friday, I wore a cheerful yellow cropped sweater, and I honestly felt happier, and everywhere I went people said, “Oh, great sweater,” but I think what they really meant was, “Oh, it’s so nice to see a bright color this time of year.”
It got me thinking….I used to wear the rainbow! When I moved back to the northeast after living Southern California, it was the Juicy Couture era, and I had their trendy tracksuit in white, hot pink, turquoise blue and shamrock green. These tracksuits were a staple of my wardrobe, and I wore them every single day. In NYC in January, I stood out (to put it mildly), and began feeling a little odd wearing them. By the time March rolled around, I had stopped wearing those tracksuits and my workout uniform became standard black leggings and a black top.It was functional and I blended in.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing all black, then or now. What I want to impress upon you is simply this: color affects our mood. It might be subtle or great, but color, especially for women, can give us an emotional lift, calm us down, physically energize, and a myriad of other the things. Many of us are sensitive to color, but we don’t realize it.
For January, let’s all inject a pop of color to our workout. Here are five easy, low-commitment ideas:
1. toenail polish
2. your yoga mat
3. a water bottle
4. a hair tie
5. (my personal favorite) added layers, like sweaters and leg warmers
Let’s make January fun and colorful by doing our own customized (workout) version of color therapy, and tuning into how color makes us feel. What’s it going to be today? Sunrise orange? Flamingo pink? Neon lime? (Lots of options…)
Let’s Move!