Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Three Trends (Here to Stay?)

As a minimalist, I find a yoga mat to be the best fitness prop there is. I roll it out and a workout ensues. The exercise industry will always be reinventing and/or creating gizmos and do-dads, and it will always be evolving. I don’t go to trade shows or fitness conventions anymore, but I feel I stay “current’ as I visit other studios and gyms often, and I also regularly meet up with my fitness...


Feel Good Energy Generating Haven

Deep thought of the day: your workout should make you feel good about yourself. It should make you be proud of your efforts, grateful for your body, and inspired to live a high vibe life. End of story.  For most of us, our workout is optional. It’s a choice we make. In fact, we often jump though hoops – from hiring a babysitter and navigating traffic to buying the right gear and waking up an hour or two...


A Workout Ritual You Should Try

There’s a lot we can accomplish when we are sitting on our mats. We could do a pre-movement chat, have a meditation or intention setting session, or do a breathing exercise. I also think the act of sitting on our mat could be part of the warm-up, where we ground and settle our bodies, and get situated with where we are in space and time. Simple stuff, right? But these simply things aren’t benign. They can really...

Ellen Barrett Fresh Yoga

New Workout Alert: Fresh Yoga

This 30minute workout is a true yoga workout, where you’ll thoroughly engage all the muscles of the body, but do so in a calm, unhurried fashion. Most everybody I meet today, is seeking some sort of stress relief, and I think this workout really helps with that, but at the same time, your muscles will feel this. Remember, your workout doesn’t have to only be about physical health, it can also help with mental health. Lots and...

ELLEN BARRETT Mindful Movement

I’m a Big Fan of Freedom

There are two things I really scratch my head over. One is crazy impractical foot wear. I don’t see it as much in real life anymore (thankfully) but every once in a while I spy a stiletto at the supermarket on an icy winter day, and inwardly feel pain. The second one actually is very common these days, and that’s extreme nails. Just the other day at a clothing store, the store clerk waved around...

Enthusiastic Movers

Do you remember who you were at age seven? I was a little kid that roller skated in my basement, took walks in the woods with my dog, Lucy, pogo-stick raced with my brother, and did endless loops around the neighborhood on my bike. I was an enthusiastic mover, and I bet to some extent you were too.  Of course, as adults, we’ve been on the other side of this, at times – where we...

Cultivating Workout Enthusiasm With Ellen Barrett

Cultivating Workout Enthusiasm

“Let’s go!” “Let’s eat!” “Let’s do it!” Let’s Move! Yes, let’s! There is a sense of enthusiasm in phrases like these. It’s precisely that sense of enthusiasm I want to convey in classes and on my website because it makes it way easier to get to your workout, and enjoy it. Workout enthusiasm is a mindset anyone can possess. Here’s how to cultivate it:  1. First off – remember it’s a privilege to have a human body, no matter what condition it is in. You’re alive...

Ellen Barrett "Youthful Movement"

You Know What’s Youthful?

When our society discusses the idea of “youthfulness” it focuses on  wrinkle-free skin or “being able to eat anything I want without gaining weight.” Something that gets overlooked (and something we truly have a lot of control over) is youthful movement. What does that look like? Well, I’ve boiled it down to two things: it’s “capable” coupled with “ease.” Youthful movement equates to a big comfort zone.  Can you sit on the floor and play with puppies? Can you run...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Your Workout’s Job

If you take note of how you typically move during an average day, not including your workout, you’ll find it to be mostly done in the sagittal plane. Walking is in the sagittal plane. Sitting down and up from a chair is in the sagittal plane. The action of riding a bike is in the sagittal plane. The spine does tend to engage in more movement variety, like twisting (transverse plane) and side bending (frontal...

Tip Toes

Rise Up

If you look closely at the photo, you’ll see we’re all on our tip toes. This action is called a relevé and I’m a big fan. In fact, if you’ve done my classes, you know it’s one of my signature moves. Here are the top five reasons why I incorporate the relevé into a workout whenever possible:  They strengthen the muscles of the feet.  They promote stabilization of the ankle joint.  They strengthen 360degrees around the core. They provide a...