Enthusiastic Movers

Do you remember who you were at age seven? I was a little kid that roller skated in my basement, took walks in the woods with my dog, Lucy, pogo-stick raced with my brother, and did endless loops around the neighborhood on my bike. I was an enthusiastic mover, and I bet to some extent you were too. 

Of course, as adults, we’ve been on the other side of this, at times – where we want to sit around all day and not move. The demands of life has fatigued us and the body seemingly needs rest. It makes me wonder, where did our seven year olds go? 

Well, our seven year old selves are still here! They’re just tucked away behind life’s pressures and woes, too much caffeine, too little sleep, not enough hydration (to name a few). Pogo-stick racing might not be in the cards for us anymore, but surely there are other options. 😂

The beauty of mind/body fitness is it’s not all of nothing. You can do a 15minute series that’s seated on your mat, or you can do a 45minute series of robust cardio.  When mind/body fitness is done right, it always boosts our vitality, depositing more energy in our bank accounts. I was able to take two classes last week, and I walked away with a renewed sense of energy and lightness after each of them. 

Use movement – it’s energy medicine – but also “learn yourself” and notice what makes you sluggish and adjust accordingly. It could be simply going to bed earlier, or maybe only drinking wine on the weekends. We are all enthusiastic movers…some of us just need to remember.