The Paradox 🕊️

I really do love getting to studio spaces early – way before class starts – and settling in. A big open clutter-free sacred space is my jam. Natural light and soothing colors are like icing on the cake. It feels like a calm church. My body softens and my breath deepens, and if I was a bit fatigued or frazzled upon entering the space, now I’m refreshed and ready to flow.

For many years, I taught in and spent a lot of time in, bustling gyms with neon lights, clanking equipment and loud techno music blasting in the background, and I loved it. I think the world is a different place today. Now, most people are over stimulated – and our nervous systems are on overdrive. Our bodies still crave movement, but they also seek some serenity. It’s the paradox of modern fitness. How do we dance with this paradox? Here are four things that may help: 

“Feng Shui” Your Workout Experience – toss the unused and worn out gear and gather the true-blue staples. Spring clean your at-home workout space. Open windows, letting fresh air in. Swap out any clothing and shoes due to season changes and be sure to only have on hand the season-appropriate items. (I recently visited a friend at a gym in NYC and was struck by the neutral color palette and soft “chill out” music. It felt like a spa!)

Allocate More Time For Your Workout – so you simply don’t rush. Racing against the clock is very taxing on our nerves. 

Focus on Your Breath – give yourself a few minutes pre-workout to witness your own breath. Watch it come and go like waves at the shore. Your breath goes wherever you go, and maybe that’s for a reason….so we can always have it as a guide post and a gateway into the present moment.

Bring Nature In OR Go Out To It – maybe it’s a big window to your flower garden. Maybe a piece of art of a pretty landscape. Maybe a thriving potted plant, or hearing birds chirping the distance. The natural world provokes the paradox we’re after – it’s calming yet energizing – so connecting to it is always a good idea.

“Calm energy”…. that’s where it’s at in 2023, and feeling good is the priority, so Let’s Move! but let’s also tread lightly on our nervous systems. 🕊️