Feel Good Flow ellenbarrett.com

Feel Good Flow – now streaming

I was just talking about how I like to get creative with naming workouts and here I come out with a “boring” title that’s not all that exciting, and seems a bit generic. I know, I know….but the workout told me its name. The workout was adamant it be called FEEL GOOD FLOW. All the other names (“Barre Flow” was a frontrunner) were shot down by this workout’s incessant whispers I couldn’t drown out.  Feel Good...

Let's Move Ellen Barrett

Whole Self Thriving

More and more I see the reciprocity between the body and the mind. Let’s face it – exercise gives us a leg up in life. It’s a well-being tool, not merely about physical health. I heard the term recently, whole self thriving, and just love it. That’s how I feel about exercise – it’s whole self thriving – and that’s probably why I prioritize it. So let’s all prioritize regular exercise. Let’s Move! and let’s thrive. 💚

Let's Move! Ellen Barrett

Instant Results

One of the best things about exercising is that there are instant results. Maybe it’s standing taller. Maybe it’s feeling stronger. Maybe it’s being more embodied. Whatever the instant results are, we usually don’t pay much attention to them. We move on with our day, and often don’t take a single moment to acknowledge the positive shifts that might have occurred.  Yoga classes do have that moment, and it’s usually immediately following Shavasana, right before class ends....

Ellen Barrett "Prevention is the cure"

Prevention Is the Cure

While getting my car serviced last week, I saw a “startling” set of tires that were just taken off a vehicle. These tires were unevenly worn out – obviously so, even to my untrained eye – they skewed so much to one side, they no longer had a cleanly circular shape. The service mechanic referred to their state as dangerous asymmetry. I thought, aha, that’s a great term…and it doesn’t just apply to tires. When it comes...

One & Done!

The 411 on “One&Done”

One & Done! is here and it’s a unique take on fusion sculpt as this 30minute workout uses only one handheld weight. The video is now streaming on “Let’s Move! and I sure do hope you check it out.  Having only one weight throughout the workout puts the body, intentionally, off-balance. That 3 or 5lb asymmetry “tips the scales” so to speak, forcing the midline (the core) to engage differently in order to stay aligned. If you are someone who sits in a car or at...

Inspiration Board

Keep the Fire Burning

When you log in to your Let’s Move! membership, the first page that pops up is our Inspiration Board. Our Inspiration Board gets updated every Sunday morning and includes 1. an affirmation of the week, 2. a suggested weekly workout rotation, 3. a quote of the week, 4. a link to our latest newsletter, and 5. a mini pep talk. Here are a few things to know about the Inspiration Board:  First, I personally create it, always, and all week long I...

The Importance of Parameters THE BARRETT BLOG

The Importance of Parameters

When I was 18, I had started to teach aerobics classes at my local gym, and I remember telling my parents that I wanted to be a “career” aerobics instructor, and that I wasn’t too keen on going to college. My mom said, “That’s ridiculous,” and immediately denounced the notion. My Dad gave it a bit more thought but ultimately said, “That’d be like digging ditches all day, Ellen.”  He was worried about the toll...

Love & Fitness

“Fit people like themselves better.” – Diana Vreeland I came across the aforementioned quote and I found it startling, but true. It reminded me of something I’ve heard Dr. Gabriel Cousens say again and again, “Love yourself enough to heal yourself.”  Self-love is a major component to wellness. I’d say it’s the foundation – it’s where all of the goodness springs from down the road. Fitness gets abused when there is a lack of self-love. The...

Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Big Kahuna

Abs in, chest up, shoulders down…three simple cues that I pretty much say in every class. I also think them to myself periodically throughout the day. Getting the abs, chest and shoulders in their rightful places is the “big kahuna” of good posture.  (And BTW, the abs, chest and shoulders are the biggest alignment scofflaws…very quick to get out of line.) Why should we care? Well, for one, it looks better. “Get good posture” is my #1 beauty...

Let's go!

An Army of One

Thanks to my sports-loving family, I find myself watching sports in person and on TV a lot. (It seems like every day…) Many of these games have cheerleaders smiling courtside, spewing encouraging words with energy and happiness. It dawned on me, wow, what a luxury it is to have real people cheering you on for all the world to see. If I had an actual person shouting, “You can do it, Ellen” or “Hip Hip...