Ellen Barrett Blog

A Secret Ingredient to Thriving

Exercise is an opportunity to tune inward, towards yourself, but to look at it a different way, exercise is an opportunity to tune out the BS. I recommend we take advantage of this exercise opportunity every single day, since there’s a lot of low vibration out there! In all seriousness, have you noticed that giving your undivided attention to your workout – be it 15 minutes or an hour – is a form of escape from reality? And that...


Too Many Arrows to the Heart?

In Sanskrit, the heart center is called “Anahata” which translates as unstruck. I’ve always loved this way of seeing the heart center because it connotes the notion that your heart’s true nature is impervious to damage.  There is no doubt that the body follows the mind, but vice versa is also true – the mind follows the body.  A great example of this is when we stand taller, lifting the heart, our mind shifts, instantly and momentarily, into a more confident, more open energy. Have you ever...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Promoting Right Action 💫

The more grounded you are, the more present you are, and the more present you are the less reactive you are.  Reactive behavior is usually not in anyone’s best interest. Some examples include, reactively running to the kitchen and eating a tub of ice cream after a stressful phone call, or reactively shouting obscenities at someone for cutting you off in traffic. Lately in the news, there has been a tremendous amount of reactive behavior on planes! Dare...

Ellen Barrett "Let's Move!"

Basking in Empowered Wellness

I keep hearing people use age as an excuse for lack of mobility, lack of physical fitness, or pain in their bodiy, saying things like, “I’m too old to sit cross-legged on the floor,” or  “Running is out of the question at my age,” or “Everyone in their 50’s has a bad back.”  My message today is don’t blame age. That’s not to say challenges don’t come with age – it’s just that age is unchangeable. Age is what it is...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Wow. Wow. Wow.

Radiant Health? It is not even a thought of most doctors. I feel like the bar is set really low for us. Just “getting by” health-wise or weight-wise is touted as a success.  My dream for you is not fitness or weight loss. It is radiant health. Radiant health is feeling great and having the energy to function optimally. A 12 hour day on your feet? No problem. Life throws a curve ball? You adjust accordingly and thrive.  There is another part of radiant health...

Ellen Barrett

How to Thrive at Thanksgiving

In the United States, it’s Thanksgiving week. It can be a challenging week on many levels, but it is especially challenging for those of us wanting to stay on a healthy living path. Be sure to spend some time today setting an intention for yourself. For me, it’s to stay grounded and move my body everyday.We tend to get way off-routine this time of year, and sometimes that “off-routine energy” continues until New Year’s. You can...

Staying Well Right Now

Season’s change. Right now, in Connecticut, it’s beginning to feel like winter. While every time of year has its greatness, this time of year, late November specifically, has always been hard for me. I already miss the barefoot ease of summer, and winter is not fully in effect. It’s colder and darker, and nature is still in route. We ‘ve left the shores of summer, but haven’t “landed” in winter, and I think that’s why I can...

10Day Kickstart with Ellen


“Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there.” – Rumi After years of working with people and being privy to some clients’ destructive inner dialogs, I realized self-criticism is the biggest obstacle to true wellness, and it usually comes from a place of self-loathing. At first, I thought, “Oh, it’s just words” but as my understanding of health and happiness grew, I realized that words  stem from beliefs, and beliefs rule the world. How we feel about ourselves...

10Day Kickstart with Ellen


“Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we are frantic, life will be frantic. If we’re peaceful, life will be peaceful.” – Marianne Williamson For a long time I thought finding serenity was getting rid of stress, but it’s actually diverting your attention away from stress and towards the peace of now. I know that sounds corny, but for most of us, stress isn’t ever completely going away. The top athletes have mastered serenity. During competition,...

10Day Kickstart with Ellen


GRACE (noun): simple elegance or refinement of movement Grace is a mix of self-awareness and serenity, in action. Some people seem to, naturally, have loads of it. Others need to call it in. There is someone alluring about grace and I think grace turns ordinary movement into a thing of beauty.   How can we cultivate more grace? It’s easier than you think. All it takes is to move calmly and pay attention. I think “hyper” is the polar...