An Army of One
Thanks to my sports-loving family, I find myself watching sports in person and on TV a lot. (It seems like every day…) Many of these games have cheerleaders smiling courtside, spewing encouraging words with energy and happiness. It dawned on me, wow, what a luxury it is to have real people cheering you on for all the world to see. If I had an actual person shouting, “You can do it, Ellen” or “Hip Hip Hooray” I’d certainly feel a bit more hopeful and a bit less lonely, and I’d most likely persevere. I sure hope those NBA and NFL players thank their cheerleaders – they are lucky to have them. Enthusiasm is contagious. I’m certain those cheerleaders make a difference!
We might not have an army of people wearing matching outfits with pompoms, but you and I have an army of one within ourself. Recruit yourself and be your own cheerleader – in your workout and beyond. Smile, place your attention on the desired outcome, and spew encouraging words to yourself. It’s positive self-talk, and it’s anti-self-sabatoge. A cheerleader is what anyone anywhere has been for themselves when they’ve set out to accomplish something. You can do it! Goooooo team! Let’s go!
As we embark on this glorious week, how about rooting for yourself? Fluff up a can-do attitude and get your high vibe self going strong. Remember: the best ever cheerleader – the most powerful one of them all – is yourself.
Let’s Move! 🥳