New! Yoga With Weights!
There’s a brand new workout debuting this week on Let’s Move! and it’s a slow-flow, all standing, 20minute yoga sculpt called Yoga With Weights. I love love love mixing yoga with fitness modalities because 1. it’s fun, entertaining, and helps hold people’s attention. 2. it provides movement variety, and 3. it saves time.
20minutes of yoga is always an excellent choice – and I am not knocking pure yoga when I say this – but 20minutes of yoga with weights turns up the “yang” knob, making it more of a workout. Sometimes, yoga is a wellness tool, but not necessarily a workout. With the addition of hand weights, yoga is a wellness tool and a workout.
There’s a personal reason I love adding hand weights to yoga: I’m always cold, and in most vinyasa-style yoga classes, I stay cold. Cold fingers and toes, even cold on the tip of my nose…cold plagues me from beginning to end. I’ve sort of coined the term “Sweater Yoga” because throughout fall/winter/spring, cozy knitwear becomes my yoga class uniform. It helps a little, but I’m still cold! However, when I add light weights to the standing sequences, I get gleefully toasty, and in turn breathe better, feel better and enjoy it so much more.
Winter is coming (in the northern hemisphere), so be sure to have fun, mix things up, save time…and get warm. Yoga With Weights is at the ready.