The Wisest one Word Sentence?
There’s a term I heard recently that really resonated – air bathing. It’s like sun bathing but with air instead. I am, for sure, a bona fide air bather. I love love love being in an environment, ideally amongst the trees, far away from highways and other pollutants, just breathing it all in. Basically, I love air. Here’s why you should too:
- Breathing is fuel. Because of breathing, you and I are able to move, talk, be, and do all day long.
- Breathing is intimate. It’s the outside entering you, and that air travels to the cellular level in your body.
- Breathing is spiritual. It’s the first thing we do when we enter this world, and it’s the last thing we do before we leave it.
So breathe. Just breathe. Be completely content with just you and your breath. No bells and whistles, just good clean air. Savor the act of breathing every day. Be sure to take advantage of your time in great air quality, and FEAST!
While exercise is a major way we connect to breathing, there’s no need to wait for exercise. Breathe with abandon now. Deep inhales, strong exhales. “The wisest one word sentence? Breathe,” said Terri Guillemets. Yup. That about sums it up.