Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Rainy Day Hack

We’ve recently had some brutally gloomy days with cold rain and weird fog. It was a “driving with the headlights on during the day” kinda day, and you couldn’t tell what time it was because the lighting never shifted. It was very low vibe. Even the dogs just wanted to stay home, curled up, snug in their beds. Working out on days like these can appear against the grain.  It can seem forced. The last thing you’re thinking of...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

August, Here We Come!

I spent a good chunk of my childhood playing tennis and had a slew of coaches. “Play the ball” was one of my all time favorite coaching tips. It basically meant, don’t worry about your opponent across the net – focus on hitting your best shot. Another memorable coaching tip was when I was very intimidated playing a top seed on their home turf and there was a big local crowd watching. My coach very calmly said, “Hey, this is...

What’s Your Why?

Sometimes we lose track of the why. Why are we working out? Why are we spending time, money and energy on fitness? Why?  There is no right or wrong why. Your why can be to manage weight or boost mood. It can be to be better at your job or safer at a sport. It can be to keep up with your kids or to look good. Many of us have multiple why’s, and for most of us the why keeps evolving. Perhaps, what...

10Day Kickstart with Ellen


God gave me a great body, and it’s my dutyto take care of it.– Jean-Claude Van Damme Have you ever been up close to a deer running wild in the woods? The way the deer moves is sheer elegance. She’s agile and light, and has precision and ease in motion that’s quite breath-taking. The muscles and joints of her body are coordinated, like a symphony. Your body wants to move in symphony too. Your body prefers unity over isolation. In fact, isolation is...