Ten Toes In Ellen Barrett Blog

Ten Toes In

Every once in a while an athlete really catches my eye, and without knowing any of their legendary plays or stats, I’ll ask, “Hey, who’s that?” I tend to hone in on body language, form, breathing, and other things like that. Not knowing much about the sport helps me look beyond the sport and simply see the art of the athlete.  One such athlete – a true artist – is a football player on the Kansas...

Ellen Barrett "let's move!"

Tap Into Truth

Ever since I read, “The body is a sacred garment. It’s your first and last garment. It’s what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor,” I’ve been intrigued with Martha Graham, the famous American dancer/choreographer (and the author of the quote). I just learned that Martha Graham created not just dances, but also her very own, very specific, body conditioning method. I’d describe it as...

Pale Blue _ Ellen Barrett

Creating Confidence

I live in rural Connecticut these days and when I have to go into New York City, I drive in. I’ve gotten really good at driving into the hubbub of Manhattan, and I know all the ways in and out. I even know the best parking strategies. The repetition of going in and out of the city month after month, year after year, has given me a keen sense of awareness, and has strengthened my...

Ellen Barrett Let's Move!


I have a love/hate relationship with winter. I love sweaters and snowy sunsets, and I do think there’s something about fully experiencing all four seasons that’s good for the soul,  but anyone that spends five minutes with me this time of year will know seeking warmth becomes my full-time job.  Oh, I struggle so hard!  But I’ve been on this planet for a while and I know myself and what I have to do. I...

Go on the Offensive

I really do pay attention to things and I am a bit worried about the state of health in the US. There is a lot of chronic conditions and chronic pain, and so many people, women especially, go from doctor to doctor seeking help to no avail. From what I’ve gathered, the ones that tend to break out of the never ending doctor visit-to-doctor visit cycle, go on the offensive by doing these three things:  ...

Ellen Barrett Go Big, Dream Big

Go Big, Dream Big

Have you noticed people looking down and keeping their arms tucked in tightly to their sides? Think of rainy day posture…eyes focused on the ground, small steps, contracted body language. There’s nothing wrong with this physical alignment in certain situations (like when you’re walking in the rain!), however, when it becomes your default mode, it’s a problem. To this I say, reach up and look up.  Go on and physically extend your arms overhead and physically turn your gaze to the space above...

Ellen Barrett "Wellness is a Journey"

Wellness is a Journey

Fitness is a self-help tool for authentic wellness. The goal is wellness. Or another way of looking at it is, the destination is wellness. And you and I are never not on a journey towards wellness. We never get to the top of the wellness mountain and stick a flag in it and say, “Done!” If you’re breathing, you’re journeying!  Remember when Oprah showcased her dramatic weight loss on her talkshow? She even wheeled out...

The energy of right now

The Energy of Right Now

I went on my usual sunrise dog walk this am and I slowed it down a bit and meandered, really taking in the energy of right now. The leaves have almost completely left the trees. The farmers have harvested their last crop of hay. I hear the geese on the move overhead.  My favorite purple and yellow wildflowers are no longer sprinkled into the landscape. It smells like November. These observations don’t make me happy...

The Barrett Blog

it’s In Your DNA

Many of the conveniences of modern life have made our range of motion smaller, our muscles weaker, and our cardiovascular capability reduced. We have garage door openers, drive-thru’s, and escalators. As the late great Anne Marie Benstrom said, “Do you know how much effort it takes to churn butter? No, you don’t!”  It is no coincidence that the rise of the fitness industry coincides with the rise of modern conveniences. Society had to add intentional...

15Minute Workout Combos

At times, a 15minute workout may be enough. Other times, it may leave you wanting more. Here are some of my favorite 15minute workout combos. They’ve got great synergy and they’ll extend your workout to 30minutes while maintaining a sense of invigoration.  Quick Fix + Yoga Mat Work   activate and warm your muscles, then settle down and stretch (equipment: a yoga mat and a blanket)💚Power Express + Stretch 360 get the heart pumping and your body warm, then it’s all about circles!(equipment: a yoga mat...