The Barrett Blog

The Biggest Game Changer of All

Can movement create confidence? Can movement remedy anxiety? Can movement eradicate stress? To tell you the truth, I don’t know. What I do know is that everyone has ups and downs. Life is not always sunny. Things shake us up. Movement doesn’t change those outside “things” but it does one very significant thing to our inside state – it brings us back to the body. Anxiety, stress and low confidence happen in our heads. They are thinking....

Ellen Barrett Fit Tip

Bye Bye Back Pain

I’d like to start this blog post by saying this: back pain is cure-able, and no one should have to live with it. If a doctor, trainer or therapist tells you the opposite, find another doctor, trainer or therapist!  Your body wants you to feel good and it’s always striving for balance. Pain is a signal of imbalance and it’s your body’s way of telling you to change in some way, maybe in diet, maybe...

Remedies For Emotional Fatigue

On Saturday night, I stood in my kitchen, attempting to make dinner for my family, when a wave of fatigue fell over me. I had had a busy week and the day flew by with a bit of rushing around, but I was well rested and hydrated, and it was only 6pm. I quickly realized I wasn’t physically fatigued – I was emotionallyfatigued.  I get the sense that a lot of us are experiencing emotional fatigue...