Making It to the Mat

How about this…how about we all stop, take a minute, and think,”Hey, do my off-the-mat habits negatively influence my exercise routine?” As a trainer, I’ve learned it’s not on-the-mat that’s the problem – it’s simply getting to the mat in the first place! Here are what I deem as the top five biggest habits that set us up for exercise success:1. Organization (a.k.a., get your sh!t together!)Know where everything is – your keys, your water bottle, your life. Do you know...

Ellen Barrett Fit Tip

We “Eat” With Our Eyes

In 2018 and 2019, I went to see Amma, the hugging mother. She is a cherished woman from India, who has such a high vibration, people like me wait in line to receive a hug from her.  I love her and hope to see her again the next time she tours North America. Both times, there were vendors at this event selling Indian goods, like clothing, jewelry, candles and meditation cushions. One vendor sold an eye exercise...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Make a Date With Exercise

I teach regular classes at a hotel called Troutbeck. It has a wellness spa that includes a nice little yoga program with a gorgeous yoga barn. Locals are members and attend classes, and classes are also open to guests of the hotel. I bring this up because I’ve been very inspired by the guests. Many guests have never done yoga before, or they haven’t been in an in-person exercise class setting before, yet somehow, they sign up and make it to...