Persistence is Easy?

The secret to fitness success is persistence. It’s just so important to keep on keepin’ on, you know? January tends to be this “hop on the workout bandwagon” month. And by the way, kudos to you if January gives you the push you need to exercise after not exercising for a while. Motivation comes in many forms, and maybe watching others gear up and work out gets you geared up too. 

However, lots of people are workout dabblers. They get really psyched about a gym, a class, a platform, a treadmill, etc, but after a couple of weeks, the novelty of it fades and they are back to sitting around their houses. Lots of people set New Year’s resolutions to go for a run first thing in the morning, but by February, they are hitting the snooze button. Intentions are good, but where’s the persistence?

So here’s a deep thought and an important pre-requisite to persistence: make your goal daily movementIt’s a broad goal, a big umbrella, but that’s why you’ll be able to persist. There’s always an opportunity to move when the form of movement can be anything, a walk, a class, a video, a game of tennis, etc. My highest vibe clients, the fittest of the fit, know and do this. They are flexible and empowered…and persistent. 

Make your goal daily movement and persistence is easy. 
(“Persistence is easy”….affirmation alert!)
Let’s Move!