Breakfast With Luca
I’m a mom of one, a bona fide morning person, a nutrition geek, and a huge believer in “get your day started right,” so breakfast with my son has always been a big thing. We live in a culture that tends to race through meals, and while the rest of the day may require eating on the go, breakfast time is old school in my house. Simple but home cooked food. Real dishes. Real glassware. Sit your butt on the chair. Let’s eat! (Today was avocado toast with sun-dried tomatoes).
A big wellness hack (one that I’ve learned to be true from doing its opposite!) is allocating time for yourself in the morning. Time to not rush, but to be present with your tea, your coffee, a smoothie or a meal. I find it’s an expression of spiritual self-care. It set’s an embodied tone, where you’re “in” yourself, aware of your state of being, showing the universe you’re ready to co-create. A grounded breakfast is your day’s opening act, prepping for the main event – today. Did you know that today is a one-in-a-million, glorious opportunity we tend to belittle by merely calling it Thursday? Breakfast can break the mundane trance and illuminate the sacred.
So yes, breakfast does a body good. It also does a family good. But I think the big takeaway here is….it does your soul good. (Bon Appetite!)