Ellen Barrett Blog

The Unsung Hero of Movement

Moving on land is a three step deal – first we ground, then we center, then we lift.We get so good at moving that often, these three steps go unnoticed or happen mili-seconds apart, seemingly simultaneously. However, grounding always comes first and lifting is always the result. Grounding is foundational. Lifting is the end game. So what’s in the middle? Your core!  Core strength is so darn valuable. Your core is working every time you stand up or sit up or walk or...

10Day Kickstart with Ellen


God gave me a great body, and it’s my dutyto take care of it.– Jean-Claude Van Damme Have you ever been up close to a deer running wild in the woods? The way the deer moves is sheer elegance. She’s agile and light, and has precision and ease in motion that’s quite breath-taking. The muscles and joints of her body are coordinated, like a symphony. Your body wants to move in symphony too. Your body prefers unity over isolation. In fact, isolation is...