When You Are Feeling Unambitious…
When you’d like to workout but you’re feeling a bit “unambitious” about it, here’s what you need to do – just get to the mat. Just get to it. Maybe sit or lie down on it. Maybe stand on it. Just get to that mat with bare feet and comfy clothes and stay there.
Something wonderful happens when you get to the mat – you nurture your self with movement. It might be seated in “butterfly” pose with the soles of the feet together, or it might be on your back with “legs up the wall.” It might be a simple kneeling pose with hands in prayer. Whatever pose you begin with, watch it morph into another movement and then another. If you stay on that mat, you’ll intuitively piece together a beneficial sequence. (Or you may even get inspired to do a formal “let’s move” workout!)
Just this morning, I did crunches and then “breath of fire” and then downward dog. I held plank pose for about five long deep breaths, did a couple of “sloppy” low lunge twists, and then sat down and did a self-massage on my feet. All of it was “nutritious” and “delicious,” and helped me feel good.
The moral of the story is: just get to your mat. The rest will take care of itself.