Turning Up the Hustle
Seasons change and schedules change. There are very obvious things happening like a later/earlier sunrise, a change in weather or perhaps an increase/decrease in work demands, but there are subtler, more individual, shifts too. Some of us feel an end of summer sadness (oh, it’s over so quickly!). Some of us feel freer with kids heading back to school. Some of us feel dread with seemingly so much to do suddenly. For me, when September hits, it feels like the final leg of a race and I want to finish strong. Like the chipmunks in my yard, I tend to turn up the hustle. This will differ from person to person, but here’s what “turning up the hustle” looks like for me:
- My daily to-do list is more ambitious. I have more daily goals, and sometimes they are more lofty.
- Along the same lines as #1, my level of organization and planning is higher. I find figuring out the right clothing and gear is key. Flip flops are no longer cutting it, and my sweaters are back in rotation.
- There’s more urgency in the morning. I feel this to be true for my whole family too. We all wake up and are dilly-dallying less.
- My evening hours are more productive. I’m doing laundry or swinging by the grocery for key items or going back into my office to send out one more email.
- My year end goals are very much at the forefront of my mind. It’s like a metaphorical post-it note stuck to my forehead! I can’t stop thinking about what I want to have accomplished by December 31st.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….there are seasons out there as well as seasons within. We have our own energetic winter, spring, summer and fall (in Traditional Chinese Medicine there are five seasons – I’ll do a post of that next!). These energies have tremendous influence.
Act accordingly! Empowered people embrace their seasons. In the wise words of Henry David Thoreau, “Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”