Time For Your “A” Game
I womaned-up when I became a mother. There was a level of responsibility that whacked me in the face. I thought, “I must have energy for Luca, and always have my wit’s about me.” It felt like I finally took ownership of my life.
That was over twelve years ago, but funnily enough, right now in dealing with the covid crisis, it’s like de ja vu – I’m feeling this need to woman-up all over again. Perhaps you feel this too.
How does this translate? For me, it means clean eating, daily exercise and meditation, and water water and more water. The last thing I’m going to drink is alcohol, eat junk food, or stay up too late. I need to be on my A-game, everyday. I want to “keep it together” in order to navigate these strange times.
Exercise plays a major role here. Exercise for optimism. Exercise for confidence. Exercise for calmness. Exercise for joy. Exercise for empowerment. Exercise for_____ (fill in the blank). Just get moving and watch negative stuff transmute into positive stuff.
Bottomline: exercise is not optional anymore. We must move it or we are going to lose it.