There’s a New Workout (and it’s an Extravaganza!)
Five-Star Fusion is a smorgasbord. It’s not a restaurant review (as my husband thought it sounded like 😂), but it’s just as delicious. Yes, movement when it keeps us in an invigorated state – and doesn’t cross the line into irritation – can be downright delicious.
I love taking classes and I do try new workouts whenever I get the chance. My favorite types of classes to teach and to take run the gamut, but they all have one commonality – they are freeing. No shoes, warming, minimal props, not too fast, not overly hyper, big ranges of movement where the body opens up. Classes that leave you standing taller, feeling stronger, and increase energy rather than depleting it, are my kinda classes.
Five-Star Fusion is freeing. It’s my kinda class! It loosens, unfurls and enlivens. Just what I need after a long “tight” winter. Are you ready to come out of hibernation with me? Be sure to check out this “movement extravaganza” – now streaming on Let’s Move!