10Day Kickstart with Ellen


“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness in movement is self-education. You learn yourself. At first it’s physical things, like you learn how your ankle tracks when you step forward, and that lunging warms up your quads. Then it’s more than physical – just the other day, I learned that my breath tightens with thoughts of the approaching holidays!  Our workout today is the most mindful one on the ellenbarrett.com platform. It’s Moving Meditation, 20minutes of meditative...

Ellen Barrett Moving Meditation

It’s Thrilling

Do you ever really pay attention to how you move? Do you notice how you shift your body weight into each step? How your body expands on an inhalation? How it settles down on an exhalation? We sure do glorify busy-ness in our type-A world, but that busy-ness sometimes needs to be left at the door, especially when it comes to movement.  Our latest video workout, Moving Meditation, intentionally focuses the mind and slows down the breath, so we can move...