Do the Work or Step into the flow?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, do the work is fine to say, but I prefer step into the flow. There are no shortcuts to empowered wellness, so by all means, do the work, but when you re-frame all the necessary effort as alignment, there’s an ease and a grace underlying our action steps. Wellness becomes more easily sustainable and less dogmatic. We really should all be asking ourselves, “How do I step into the flow?” Tune in  ✔️Set “the” goal (feeling good) ✔️Take charge ✔️123….that’s...

Compassion Not Comparison

There’s a quote/affirmation that is thrown around a lot in the self-help world and it goes something like, “There’s no competition because no one else is me.” I remember hearing it long ago and liking its concept, but moving on from it without much thought. Lately however, I’ve revisited this notion, and think it’s a super valuable mindset, mainly because it’ll help prevent any sort of self-esteem weakening comparisons.   Another quote/affirmation that I’ve honed in on recently is, “Happiness...

New Video Workout: Pilates Fusion

Time to take mat Pilates to new heights with this 45minute, choreographed floor routine that delivers an energetic, effective and efficient total body sculpt. All you’ll need is a “sticky” mat. Barefoot is best. This video will appear on Let’s Move! by 9amEST.

New Video Workout: Good Bones

All-star bone strengthening exercises are rolled out in this time-saving, osteo-focused class which begins standing and finished on the mat. You’ll need a light set of handheld weights (1-3lbs each) and a “sticky” yoga mat. Barefoot is highly recommended. This 20minute video will appear on Let’s Move! by 9am EST.

How to be intrinsically Motivated

“Intrinsic” means belonging naturally, and its Latin root translates as “inward” so I like to think of intrinsic motivation as motivation from within.  Intrinsic motivation is the best kind of motivation because there is no bribery, guilt, or coercion. You’re doing something because you want to do it, end of story.  When I was a kid, I only cleaned my room when my Dad threatened to throw whatever was on the floor out the window. So I’d tidy...

Cozy-Up Your Workout

I’m a sun worshiping, barefoot-loving, garden-growing gal, so winter is not my favorite! I grew up with long dark winters, and they were always depressing, but when I heard about this Danish concept called Hygge, which is synonymous with cozy and warm, and love and comfort, especially in the winter months, I was all over it. If there is a way to make winter more bearable, I’m in.  The Hygge vibe can be seen in...

Body Weight Sculpt

Shipwreck Optional

Featuring a dumbbell-less sculpt class on Let’s Move! has got me thinking about Robinson Crusoe. Yes, I’m talking about the novel published in 1719, which centers on the survival of a shipwrecked European man, who spent 28 years living on a desert island off the coast of Venezuela.    The main character, Robinson Crusoe, is depicted in the fictional book, as well as in the subsequent movies based on the book, as being very strong, fit and able. He fights off exotic...

The Pink Elephant in the Room (Losing Weight)

In this day and age, there seems to be a pink elephant in the fitness space – weight loss. We’re not supposed to bring it up in class. The idea that one might want to lose weight infers that one is not accepting their body. It’s anti body positivity, and society is really sensitive about that right now. Well, being a healthy weight matters to overall health and well-being. When fit pros preach about body symmetry, it...

On Point

From my estimate, the three most prevalent tension spots are: the jaw, the chest & shoulders, and the ankle & foot. Take a moment right now and see where there is tension happening in your body. The jaw along with the chest & shoulder area are obvious and you probably knew about a tendency for tightness there, but the ankle & foot? You probably didn’t realize until now. One of the many reasons why I...

Come On….Impress Me!

Would you consider yourself limber? I bet most of you would, because you see how good it feels and how functional it is. But you know what? You’re a unicorn. Limber is not the norm. When I’m out and about in the world, i see the opposite of limber. I see tight, constricted, stiff joints, especially in men. It’s a real shame because being limber is entirely up to each individual. Sure, someone might be...