Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Big Kahuna

Abs in, chest up, shoulders down…three simple cues that I pretty much say in every class. I also think them to myself periodically throughout the day. Getting the abs, chest and shoulders in their rightful places is the “big kahuna” of good posture.  (And BTW, the abs, chest and shoulders are the biggest alignment scofflaws…very quick to get out of line.) Why should we care? Well, for one, it looks better. “Get good posture” is my #1 beauty...

Let's go!

An Army of One

Thanks to my sports-loving family, I find myself watching sports in person and on TV a lot. (It seems like every day…) Many of these games have cheerleaders smiling courtside, spewing encouraging words with energy and happiness. It dawned on me, wow, what a luxury it is to have real people cheering you on for all the world to see. If I had an actual person shouting, “You can do it, Ellen” or “Hip Hip...

Mood Boosting Cardio With Ellen Barrett

Boost Your Mood In 15

For my entire life – without realizing it until fairly recently – I have used “doses” of cardio as mood boosting medicine. When I was an 8 year old, I freakishly took my dog on walks into the woods when I could have stayed inside idly watching cartoons. (Where were the adults 😉?) In my early teens, I’d bike to my friends house even though I could have gotten a ride. In college, when feeling blue...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Like a Well-Oiled Machine

Symmetry is honest to God so important yet often ignored. Alignment gets more play, and while alignment is just as crucial, function and flow need both. When bodies are misaligned and asymmetrical, they feel strain and unease, like a sliding door with a wonky track. If you’d like to move like a well-oiled machine, here are five things to do that facilitate the one-two punch of symmetry and alignment:   We all have some specific nuances within...


The Serenity Prayer & You

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I canand the wisdom to know the difference.” Somewhere, somehow, I bet you’ve heard the opening line of the  “Serenity Prayer” which is written above. Apparently, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous started incorporating into into his program is 1941, and it goes even further back than that. I love it. I love everything about it. I saw this...

ELLEN BARRETT Mindful Movement

I’m a Big Fan of Freedom

There are two things I really scratch my head over. One is crazy impractical foot wear. I don’t see it as much in real life anymore (thankfully) but every once in a while I spy a stiletto at the supermarket on an icy winter day, and inwardly feel pain. The second one actually is very common these days, and that’s extreme nails. Just the other day at a clothing store, the store clerk waved around...

Enthusiastic Movers

Do you remember who you were at age seven? I was a little kid that roller skated in my basement, took walks in the woods with my dog, Lucy, pogo-stick raced with my brother, and did endless loops around the neighborhood on my bike. I was an enthusiastic mover, and I bet to some extent you were too.  Of course, as adults, we’ve been on the other side of this, at times – where we...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Your Workout’s Job

If you take note of how you typically move during an average day, not including your workout, you’ll find it to be mostly done in the sagittal plane. Walking is in the sagittal plane. Sitting down and up from a chair is in the sagittal plane. The action of riding a bike is in the sagittal plane. The spine does tend to engage in more movement variety, like twisting (transverse plane) and side bending (frontal...

The Wisest one Word Sentence?

There’s a term I heard recently that really resonated – air bathing. It’s like sun bathing but with air instead. I am, for sure, a bona fide air bather. I love love love being in an environment, ideally amongst the trees, far away from highways and other pollutants, just breathing it all in. Basically, I love air. Here’s why you should too:  Breathing is fuel. Because of breathing, you and I are able to move, talk, be, and...

Gentle Sculpt With Ellen Barrett

Let’s Move…with the Knees You’ve Got

When people come up to me before class to quickly give me a head’s up about an ailment they are struggling with, nine times out of ten it’s knee stuff. They may have injured it long ago playing soccer, or perhaps it’s a mysterious pain. (Oh, if I had a dime for every time I heard, “I have a bad knee.”) The knee is a complicated joint and unlike the elbow, the knee bares our body’s weight a lot of the time....