Ellen Barrett "The Barrett Blog"

If Not Here, Where?

One of the biggest things I’m working on personally this year is not living with the feeling of “I’ve got to be somewhere else” or “I’ve got a million things to do.” Our society really celebrates busy-ness and rushing around, and women especially are expected to go-go-go with to-do lists galore. I bought into this for years, but now I see it for what it is: a lack of being present. You and I can accomplish just...

The How of Holy Flow

Comfortable. Breathing easy. In no rush. Relaxed shoulders. Tension-free face and neck. Whether standing or seated, this is the body language of being present. It has become something I look for in myself and others before starting class. Also known as being grounded and feeling settled, being present to me is a warmup before a warmup. It’s like “get your mind and body in one place and then you get to move.”  Why does this matter?...