My Beef With Mental Health Experts
Did you know that stretching is good for your mental health? It’s true, and it’s probably why so many of us crave Pilates and yoga workouts these days. When you stretch, your body’s parasympathetic nervous system activates. This in turn decreases blood pressure, promotes feelings of relaxation and eases mental anguish.
I used to think, “What’s so great about serenity?” That was when I had very little responsibility and was very ignorant to the evils of the world! Now I think, “Serenity is a top priority.” It is the foundation for empowered wellness.
What does serenity look like?
• low slow flow breathing
• nice skeletal alignment
• minimal muscle tension
• a peaceful demeanor
• heightened mind/body connection
We hear so much about anxiety and stress. Social media fawns over it. Schools are obsessed with it. If you turn on the TV, the chances are high that there will be a PSA about it. All that is fine, but my beef with the mental health initiative regarding anxiety and stress is that it separates the mind and body. They are not separate. They are never separate. They are always one! We can’t have solid mental health and ignore the physical body. Stretching so clearly illustrates this!
Movement is medicine.
A. Stretch for a healthier body? Sure.
B. Stretch for a healthier mind? Yes.
C. Stretch for a healthier body and mind? BINGO!
(“C” is the correct answer!)
Let’s Move!
Today’s a great day to feel good, look great and shine bright.