Mindset Matters

For many people, myself included, this is the roughest time of year. I struggle with the cold weather and the lack of sunlight. I also feel more sensitive to even the slightest irritations. I’m someone who wants to eat meals outside, watch the sunset, garden, sunbathe, walk barefoot in the grass, etc, and those things are not easy to do in January in Connecticut. However, here I am, wearing three layers and still shivering, and still I’m not letting it kill my vibe. Instead, I’ve set my sights on staying inspired.

And you know what? Staying inspired is 100percent mindset. Just think:

#1. Circumstances are rarely perfect for anyone, but the show must go on. 
#2. “Right now” is a gift and shouldn’t be used carelessly.
#3. If I don’t act in my own best interest, who will?

There will alway be valid excuses to not exercise, or eat clean, or sleep well, or to do the things that up-level your life. Every one of us faces adversity, but by maintaining the empowered wellness mindset, we inch closer and closer to the top. And, that journey to the top is an inspired one. How fantastic is that?

So remember, mindset matters and you’re in charge of yours! Make sure your mindset is helping you stay inspired. 

Let’s Move! 
(And summing is coming....🤗)