Make It Make Sense

When I was a kid, whenever I stayed over at my grandma’s house in Rockville Centre New York, she’s wake up and walk to her neighborhood church, every single morning without fail. I’d scratch my head about it, because six days out of the week, there was no mass or service. She’d go regardless, service or not, and simply sit in a pew all by herself, holding her rosary beads. Church was a non-negotiable for my grandma. It was her place for centering and composing, her place of comfort and connection. 

I take after my grandma in a lot of ways. Just like her, I’m a romance novel reader, a daily crossword puzzler, and a lover of face and body oils. And like my grandma, I need an everyday place to center and compose myself… a place to go for comfort and connection. 

The mat – my humble, portable, simple, worn in and a little ragged, yoga mat – is my church. It’s where “make it make sense” gets defused, where my attention returns to my own energetic force field, where I have dominion. No….”it” doesn’t make sense, but that’s okay, because at least for today, I make sense.

Your mat is way more than a workout tool. Want to decompress from a stressful day?  Need to recover from traumatic events? Have to conjure up some inspiration? Attempting to reconnect with your goals? Go to your mat.Meditate and move on it. Transform from victim into victor there. External circumstances don’t need to change in order for you to change.

The way I see it, it’s 2024 and if you’re not using exercise for more than just exercise, you’re missing out. You and I can’t afford NOT to take advantage of all “big picture” benefits that come from moving regularly.

Take care of your whole self today by getting to your mat. 

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in again. Breathe out again…finally, something that makes sense. 🤗