I Had to Make an Executive Decision 😉
Classic Cardio was the plan, but I had to scrap that plan as I was not proud of the workout. Sorry to disappoint you all – I’ve lost sleep over this, and usually with editing, videos are fix-able. I feel that this one is not. Perhaps, we’ll re-shoot it with different music and in a different set in the future because the “bones” of the workout are solid, but at this time it’s just not the right energy for ellenbarrett.com. (As I was fretting over what to do, I told my son, “I’m feeling not-so-great about Classic Cardio,” and his 13year old reply was, “You win some you lose some, Mom.” Really put things into perspective!) Thus, what was supposed to be the February video release, Quick Core Fusion, is debuting now.
If I had to describe Quick Core Fusion in one word, I’d say peppy. It is not your run-of-the-mill ab routine. This one challenges the core in a unique way – briskly tempo-ed, standing and crunch-less. As I reviewed it, I realize it has really nice spinal mobility challenges that help create a strong and limber back too.
I hope you enjoy Quick Core Fusion, and my sincerest apologies about screwing up Classic Cardio. There will be more cardio classes coming to ellenbarrett.comin the coming months.
xo Ellen