How to Be Intrinsically Motivated to Move Your Body

Do you get ornery when you don’t move enough? I do! Yet, there is a belief that the opposite is true – that we get ornery because we have to workout, or that exercise is “such a drag” or it’s an annoying “chore” the doctor said we have to do. That’s not my experience at all and I simply cannot relate!

I’m programed to get moving, somehow, some way, every day. There is an intrinsic motivation, where exercise will be a part of my life, forever and ever. I vividly recall cardio exhilaration from pogo stick racing against my brother down our childhood street…my little seven year old body, sweaty and dirty, scraped up and bruised from falling off that thing so many times, was having the best time ever. 

Come on over my “working out is a privilege” way of life! Yes, you can program “intrinsic exercise motivation” into your psyche.

Here’s how:
1. Find the right form, and intensity level, of movement. It needs to feel good. Kiss as many frogs as necessary to find the right match. (At age seven, the right match for me was pogo stick racing 😂.
2. Respect your nervous system. There shouldn’t be a feeling of pressure surrounding exercise. It shouldn’t stress you out. Stress can come from a myriad of things, from scheduling conflicts and time-crunching, to financials and rush hour traffic. The body remembers stress and will unconsciously avoid it in the future, so no fret allowed.
3. Organize your stuff. Yes, clear the clutter and tidy up your environment and your belongings, workout gear et al. 
4. Organize your schedule. Every morning, I write out a to-do list for myself and I write it out like a script for the day, accounting for all my time. I might have 12-3pm totally open and by writing it down, I get clarity. I now know I have that window of time free, so I can pencil in folding laundry, making a phone call or getting on my mat to stretch. This step will help you to never feel “time poor” (and in turn, reinforces step #2). 
5. Put exercise after sleep. Sleep comes first, y’all! A well-rested body is a foundation of health. Sleep is cleansing, healing, energizing and restoring…all the things that’ll help us move better later on, so get your zzz’s and then Let’s Move! 

When you’re intrinsically motivated to move your body, you exhibit flow not force. What a beautiful way to live, right? And it leads to sustainable health and vitality…pogo stick racing is optional. 
Let’s Move! 