Hip Tips

It’s tight hips season! Well, at least it is for me and most of the people I work with. It’s like the tension from winter has moved out of our shoulders and is now lodged in our hips. Tension makes us vulnerable. It drains our energy, doesn’t feel good, and often makes us more susceptible to injury. So what’s a girl to do? 

First off, give yourself a bit more warm-up time. For example, if you’re heading out for a run, try to walk the first 5minutes. If you’re taking a class, do some light stretching on your own before the class starts. Just be sure to ease into your workouts and give your hips an extra dose of nurturing before moving more aggressively.

Second, get extra conscious of when you’re sitting for too long. That hour-long commute to work needs the remedy of movement, so don’t go from sitting to sitting – insert an interlude of stretching, walking, or even just standing. The 7 year old kid inside you would say “hell no” to sitting for too long! 

Third, seek heat. Taking a hot yoga class? Breaking a big sweat? Soaking in an epsom salt bath? Using a heating pad or biomat? Whatever calls to you – do it and get toasty! 

Here in North America, we’re in-between seasons. We’re getting ready for summer, but it hasn’t arrived yet. We’ve got glimpses of spring, but there is still a chill to the air. Much like when a train changes tracks, it’s key to pay attention. Accept where you are in this lap around the sun. Be patient with yourself and your hips. Remember, tight hips can come and go, just like winter. Now, Let’s Move!…mindfully.