Grateful For Gratitude
In the darkness of last night’s new moon, my family and I experienced a powerful storm. We heard the rain beating hard against our windows and felt the wind shake our house. It was exactly 5:55am when I stepped outside, the dawn light just barely peaking through the trees, and surveyed the scene. Grateful to report, nothing was damaged, things were just moved around. (I had to go looking for our patio furniture, and found it on the other side of the yard.)
Thus, I started the day feeling deeply grateful. We didn’t lose a single tree limb. We maintained electricity. My chickens and their coop were all in tact. Thank you Universe for such good news!
This doesn’t seem too exciting, I know, but magnifying every ounce of good news I can get a hold of keeps me moving forward. It’s too easy to get down right now. Dare I say, it’s never been easier? But you mustn’t succumb to the status quo! Join me by putting on a pair of “gratitude-colored glasses” immediately! You’ll be well-er for it.