“For Her Bones”

When I was in my twenties, and completely clueless about bone health, I trained an opera singer, who was in her sixties. To this day, she’s the most disciplined person I have ever been around. In order to perform at such a high level, and keep her voice in tip top shape, she was all in. She fastened a silk scarf around her neck to keep her throat warm!  

She traveled a ton, but whenever she was in town, I’d meet her in her home gym (which had a built-in eucalyptus diffuser) and we’d do a combination of Pilates mat, weight training and stretching, but before I’d arrive, she’d do 10minutes of barefoot running, at an easy-breezy, feel-good pace, on her treadmill, while wearing 2lb wrist weights. She had been doing this for years and years. I didn’t tell her to do this – her old-school European doctor told her to do it. Why? Not to burn calories. Not for energy level. Not to break a sweat. Not for cardio endurance. For her bones.

You and I are very much “in charge” of our bone health. How you move, what you eat (and what you don’t eat!), and how you live your life, can make or literally break your bones. 

Good Bones is the latest workout release on Let’s Move! It’s a 20minute weight training workout with the primary intention of building better bones. Over the last couple of years, I’ve probably gotten 300+ inquiries about bone health and osteoporosis/ osteopenia prevention. Just to be clear though – diet plays the most major role (be sure to make it mineral-rich and alkaline-rich), but exercise can be major too, weight bearing movement of all types. If you’re already moving on the regular (which I’m pretty sure you are if you are reading this!), you’re already doing your bones lots of good. 

My hope is that you put yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to your well-being. Ultimately, empowered wellness is what it’s all about, so three cheers to empowerment…and three cheers to Good Bones
Let’s Move!