December is Lit

We made it to December…wow, the final 31 days of 2024 are upon us! And rather than trying to be superhuman this (demanding) month, how about locking in a superpower instead? Yes, I’m talking about the superpower that is embodiment.

For years, I spent this window of time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s out of body and I paid the price. I’d be frazzled, and overeat, under-sleep, and race through the gauntlet of holiday obligations in flight or flight mode with zero enjoyment. Sadly, it’s just so easy to be out of body, and if you look around, out of body is the norm. 

Don’t be normal – move!
Movement fast-tracks embodiment, and daily movement embeds it.

Let me give it to you straight….the more embodied, the better my day goes. The more embodied, the more present, productive, and intentional I am. The more embodied – the better my choices! Embodiment is a catalyst of empowered wellness….and I’d go even a step further – it’s a catalyst to living the life of your dreams!

Thus, my unofficial December challenge for you is to: 1. move everyday, in order to, 2. get and stay embodied all month long.
It’s December! Let’s Move! 