It’s Non-Negotiable

Thank you for your patience this past weekend as we struggled with some tech issues. The site is up and running smoothly now and all is well, but whoa, that was stressful –  iPhones and Let’s Move! are compatible again! Speaking of stress, we’re heading into big holiday season, where life can move fast, be extra busy, and put us in uncomfortable social situations. Lots of people (including me) have “fallen off the fitness wagon” mid-November, in year’s past, because...

Ellen Barrett

Chris Evert. Katerina Witt. Martha Stewart. Gal Gadot.

There is a powerful but secret thing that: 1. never goes out of style, 2. instantly up-levels one’s appearance, 3. helps energy flow, 4. promotes better breathing, 5. is always underestimated, 6. money can’t buy, yet 7. all of the great beauties of the world have it. What is it? Good posture…that’s organic. Good posture is proper body alignment where a nice and clean plumb line runs down from the crown of the head, through the middle...

How To Keep Moving…Even With “Bad” Knees

It’s a daily thing now for me to either receive an email inquiring about knee-friendly workouts or to have someone in class tell me they have a “bad” knee.   Well, with 30+ years in the fit biz and my own personal “bad knee”  experience, I have a lot to share on this subject!  First off, as far as joints go, knees are vulnerable and complicated, making them more susceptible to injury. If you are struggling with knee...

The Ultimate Beauty Hack

You know what I’ve really realized about beauty? A smile goes a long way! But not a fake smile – a genuine, authentic, percolated-from-within smile. It brightens, lightens and raises the vibration of a person. It changes the atmosphere of a space too. In a world that showcases make-up tutorials, cosmetic surgeries, wardrobe styling, and of course fitness protocols, all in the name of looking good, we might mistakenly minimize the power of the smile. Today’s message? A smile is the...

On the Hunt for Heroes

One thing that I do, that may seem benign but is actually quite powerful, is I hunt for heroes. Heroes are any person or creature I admire and who inspires me. Yesterday, I met a woman with the most well-behaved German Shepherd dog. Her self-assuredness stopped me in my tracks, and her super cool dog reflected her strong energetic leadership. And when I read the Harry Potter books many moons ago, I remember thinking, “OMG, JK Rowling is a once-in-a-lifetime creative…and...

A quiet Superpower

An often overlooked key to health and happiness is knowing yourself. When you know your likes and dislikes, your tendencies,  and your weaknesses and strengths, you can stay on an empowered wellness path with ease. When it comes to your workout, here are three big questions you’ll want to answer ASAP, so you can get crystal clear on what your ideal workout looks like: Question #1: what’s the best time of day for me to workout?Forcing...

Ellen Barrett Calm Cardio

Calm Action

The British government, during World War II, created a poster that read KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. It was intended to boost the morale of the British citizens and was widely distributed via newspapers back in the day. We still come across this saying today on throw pillows and memes, and often times, the traditional saying is altered a tad to things like, “Keep Calm and Buy the Bag” or “Keep Calm and Call Your Mother.”  It’s fun...

“Feel Good” Comes First

“Feel good, look great, shine bright” is a phrase I casually started spewing in classes long ago as a way of pumping people up. It organically arose, and I’ve since repeated it again and again. In fact, “feel good, look great, shine bright” is prominently featured on my website and has become my unofficial, three-step formula for empowered wellness…albeit, a bit vague. Step one, feel good so energy flows and any type of action is a delight. Step two, look great….who doesn’t...

One-Trick Pony

A favorite word of mine, one that I’ve been taking a liberty with and applying to movement, is adaptogenic. It’s a word often associated with herbal medicine, specifically when an herb does whatever is need in order to create harmony in the body. Licorice root for example, can either increase energy levels in the body, providing a bit of pep, or it can lower cortisol levels, helping it calm down. To me, “adaptogenic” means do what’s needed in order to maintain a feel good state....

The Real Epidemic 😱

I’ve been on a nervous system deep dive for a while now, and just when I think I’ve moved on, boom! I see unregulated nervous systems everywhere, and go back to preaching how crucial yet simple it is to regulate with grounding. How do you know when your nervous system is out of whack? You’re stressed. You’re reactive. Your body is tense. Your breath is shallow. You’re in a hurry. You’re too cerebral, and you can’t relax. In the not-so-distance...