
Too Many Arrows to the Heart?

In Sanskrit, the heart center is called “Anahata” which translates as unstruck. I’ve always loved this way of seeing the heart center because it connotes the notion that your heart’s true nature is impervious to damage.  There is no doubt that the body follows the mind, but vice versa is also true – the mind follows the body.  A great example of this is when we stand taller, lifting the heart, our mind shifts, instantly and momentarily, into a more confident, more open energy. Have you ever...

Pilates Strong With Ellen Barrett

Not Just Strong, Pilates Strong

When you’re Pilates Strong, you’re not just strong – you’re integrated – and that’s a big deal. Strong is great, but integrated means:  1. You’ve got stellar mind/body connection. 2. Your muscular system is united. 3. You’ve got a heightened awareness of proper alignment. Movement at large, including traditional strength training, promotes integration, but (in my opinion) Pilates is the integration superstar. It fast-tracks us and it complements just about every other form of exercise.   All those professional athletes and dancers – especially the one’s with career...

Ellen Barrett "The Barrett Blog"

If Not Here, Where?

One of the biggest things I’m working on personally this year is not living with the feeling of “I’ve got to be somewhere else” or “I’ve got a million things to do.” Our society really celebrates busy-ness and rushing around, and women especially are expected to go-go-go with to-do lists galore. I bought into this for years, but now I see it for what it is: a lack of being present. You and I can accomplish just...

Ellen Barrett Inspiration Board

A 2/2/22 Message About Inspiration 💫

You may have wondered how I create each week’s inspiration board, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to explain my rationale. There are some very practical factors, specifically with the workout rotation. For one, I don’t want to have back-to-back weighted workouts. I also don’t want back-to-back seated workouts. Movement variety is important. Second, a variety in terms of length is nice, so you’ll always see pretty much every duration represented each week. I truly...

Ellen Barrett Mindful Movement

Promoting Right Action 💫

The more grounded you are, the more present you are, and the more present you are the less reactive you are.  Reactive behavior is usually not in anyone’s best interest. Some examples include, reactively running to the kitchen and eating a tub of ice cream after a stressful phone call, or reactively shouting obscenities at someone for cutting you off in traffic. Lately in the news, there has been a tremendous amount of reactive behavior on planes! Dare...

Ellen Barrett "The Barrett Blog"

My Anti-Procrastination Technique

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.”  I have found this to be a thousand percent true. It’s true for me personally and for people I work with. As a personal trainer, the clients that never cancel are ironically the one’s with the fullest plate. At the root of this, it’s because the busy person has a tight schedule and he or she intends to keep it. There’s no time for procrastination. Kids procrastinate...

Ellen Barrett Let's Move!

Major Motivation 💫

Being fit always helps. Whatever your career or your lifestyle, having mobility, agility, strength, flexibility, and endurance is always an asset. It’s never not a good thing!  The hair stylist with his/her washing, brushing and blow drying, requires quite a bit of arm and wrist strength. The librarian has to climb ladders and crouch down to the lower shelves requiring agility. The preschool teacher goes up and down onto the floor all day requiring mobility. The waiter hustles all over...

Ellen Barrett Quick Core Fusion

I Had to Make an Executive Decision 😉

Classic Cardio was the plan, but I had to scrap that plan as I was not proud of the workout. Sorry to disappoint you all – I’ve lost sleep over this, and usually with editing, videos are fix-able. I feel that this one is not. Perhaps, we’ll re-shoot it with different music and in a different set in the future because the “bones” of the workout are solid, but at this time it’s just not the right energy for (As...

Ellen Barrett Blog

The Unsung Hero of Movement

Moving on land is a three step deal – first we ground, then we center, then we lift.We get so good at moving that often, these three steps go unnoticed or happen mili-seconds apart, seemingly simultaneously. However, grounding always comes first and lifting is always the result. Grounding is foundational. Lifting is the end game. So what’s in the middle? Your core!  Core strength is so darn valuable. Your core is working every time you stand up or sit up or walk or...

Peptalk for 2022

It’s time to set the tone for 2022. First, you can do it. You are incredibly capable and the possibilities are endless. Second, you have everything you need to achieve your dreams. You are enough already, as is. Three, good things come to those who keep their eye on the prize and persist. Keep going and know you are on your way.  This applies to fitness and wellness, as well as to life at large. Tune out...