5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
Here are five things I’m loving right now and want to share with you. I find them to be helpful in keeping me inspired and empowered – perhaps they’ll do the same for you.
1. Amaryllis, Paperwhites and Daffodils
Since the day after Thanksgiving, I started nurturing a slew of indoor, winter bulbs. Watching these beauties soak of the sunlight beaming in through the windows, come to life, and gracefully bloom, has filled me with joy, even on the darkest and coldest of winter days. Hyacinth bulbs are next up. Maybe get your hands on some!
2. Pomegranate Seed Oil
If you are plagued with dry skin like me, I highly recommend giving this a go. It’s not too expensive, smells great, and I use it with my gua sha tool just about everyday.
3. 528Hz Sound Frequency
Whenever I can, I play 528hz around my house and during classes. It’s simple background sound, very calming and ethereal, and supposedly it’s the frequency of healing. Personally, I’m finding it to help me stay focused. You can find 528hz music for free on YouTube and Spotify. I play it in my in-person Yoga For Manifestation classes too.
4. Vimergy Zinc
So far so good for me and my family this winter, and I think it’s partly due to our zinc levels being so strong. It’s important to know that all supplements are not created equal. I trust Vimergy, and have been using their products for a long time, but do your own research – if you already have a zinc brand that works for you, great! (Just show your immune system some love with good zinc.)
5. A Long & Leisurely Sphinx Pose
Sphinx is like a cobra pose but with forearms on the ground instead of the palms of the hands. Sphinx is more sustainable than cobra, so you and I can hold it for five minutes or more (even just one minute is good though). This pose counteracts all the shivering, hunching and heart center contraction the cold weather and stress induces in us. I’ll bring my laptop to the floor and lie in sphinx while doing a little work. (“5minutes of sphinx a day keeps the chiropractor away.😂”)
These aforementioned things don’t cost much money and they are not too complicated. Can you see how things like the amaryllis, that at first glance don’t seem at all related to your health, actually are? That’s because inspiration is good for your health!
So there you have it – my favorite five “winter of 2025” tools,helping me stay inspired and empowered. Maybe they’ll inspire and empower you as well.